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Fixing Our Eyes on God, Not the Waves

As at the date when this note was written, the spread of COVID-19 all over the world had resulted in more than 63,000 confirmed cases and 3,200 deaths across eighty countries and regions. As reported by Newsweek, the U.S. Defense Department expects COVID-19 will “likely” become pandemic within the next 30 days.

People may fall into panic easily amid such information. We need to fix our eyes on the Lord even more, just like Peter. He could walk on the water, but as soon as he turned his eyes to the water itself, he immediately sank. In this severe epidemic, we shall not be afraid since life belongs to God. We rely on Him solely; we pray and seek God’s face in humility. We take all necessary precautions while trusting God to protect us.

We look upon God and behold His mighty work. Among the confirmed cases, more than half, (i.e. 50,000) patients have fully recovered. While we give thanks for that, we should keep praying for the current patients. May God heal them fully.

Under the threat of this epidemic, our church has gone online for services. I have no answer for the question of when we will reopen our church for physical gatherings. We need to keep on seeking God with both faith and reasoning. At this time, we must do well in online discipleship and encourage brothers and sisters to love, help and support each other.

Thank God that the number of views of last week’s online services has reached more than 26,000. Also, I shared about our cash flow in the Sunday service two weeks ago, and immediately after that we have received a lot of online offerings. I am deeply touched. Our brothers and sisters have made their offerings keenly despite the difficulties of an economic recession. I have felt their love for our church, and am deeply grateful for their faith in God.

Next week, we will celebrate the Festival of Purim online for the first time. Thank God that we have our first picture book Esther for our congregation to buy and to read during the service. We will receive the anointing of turning defeat to victory together in Purim!

Dear brothers and sisters, though Hong Kong is facing lots of difficulties, we believe that God will keep us safe, and we will turn defeat to victory in the Lor d.•[2020.03.08]

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