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Gather! Gather! Gather together online to praise the Lord!

Gather together, gather yourselves together, you shameful nation, before the decree takes effect and that day passes like windblown chaff, before the LORD’s fierce anger comes upon you, before the day of the LORD’s wrath comes upon you. (Zephaniah 2:1-2)

During the severe epidemic, God has called us to gather together through morning devotion! Although church members are unable to gather in church, various ministry zones still live-stream worship services. Saturday ANEW Service, the three Sunday Services, and Friday Night Service are still aired. In the meantime, the Saturday and Sunday youth services as well as the Saturday Children Church are broadcasting at the usual times. Some parents treasure much of this special arrangement because they are able to worship with their children at home, enjoying the joyous atmosphere and cultivating more intimate parentchild relationship.

Meanwhile, cell group meetings are held online, keeping regular gathering via Whatsapp, WeChat, Line, Skype or Zoom. Everyone is trying his best to join in – go online at the appointed time and then worship, pray and share the words of God together. The passion for God and the mutual support among cell members are increasing. Now, with smartphone, everyone can be connected. Those cell members who couldn’t join cell group in the past due to family or work issues are able to participate now, pushing up the cell group attendance!

By just one click, we gather together online to worship God. He highly regards us gathering together. He surely sees our worship and cry and He shall answer our payers by showing us grace and saving us!• [2020.03.01]


Saturday 611 All Nations English worship service noteworthy events
Saturday 15 February saw people from the nations coming together to worship our Heavenly Father in one accord. It was another joyous and divine occasion. Read more
Michael Mason shared the latest news in South Africa and then prayed for them
On the 11th Feb, Michael Mason shared the latest news in South Africa and then prayed for them. It was a very special moment. Read more
Saturday 1st February ANEW service News
Last week Thursday all of the ANEW coworker team members met together at the request of our ANEW family team leader, Read more