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The Blessing of being “Hidden”

Facing the ever-changing epidemic, the outside world is arousing much worry and fear, but how should we, as God’s people respond? Is there any blessing amid disaster? Last Sunday, we preached on “Kindness Everywhere”, the story of a Good Samaritan. I encouraged brothers and sisters to be a good neighbor to others, rather than asking “who is my neighbor”. Applying this truth at this very moment, without the slightest hesitation, we shall stretch out helping hands to the affected areas as well as people around us who are in need.

Therefore, I called for the offering for the medical support of the COVID-19 affected areas. We neither fear nor cower, instead, we shall demonstrate “Kindness Everywhere” and let love flow freely. During this period, our young people have initiated visits to their neighborhoods, giving out free masks and sharing messages of edification and exhortation. Some of them exercised their gifts by writing online literature. To that, I am deeply thankful.

Externally, we love and we take action – how about internally? We are to have deeper fellowship with God. This week we read the book of Zephaniah during morning devotion. The meaning of “Zephaniah” is “God has hidden”. On Wednesday we read through chapter 2. God told us through His words that in the days of distress, perhaps we will be hidden under the shadow of God’s wings! This is truly a blessing of being hidden! As God’s people, we are grateful to enjoy such privilege and protection.

How can we receive this blessing of being hidden then? We are to gather together before the day of the Lord’s anger comes and seek the Lord, seek righteousness, and seek humility. It may be that we will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger. (Refer to Zephaniah 2:1-3) That means God’s people should gather, gather and gather together! Seek the Lord, seek righteousness and seek humility! We will be hidden in Him to become the remnant of His people!

The number of online views of the worship service shows great responses from brothers and sisters. This also fosters deeper bonding between us and our branch churches afar. Certainly, the usual congregational worship services have been suspended, but the online gatherings and worships cease not. The tending of the lamp in morning devotion from Tuesday to Fridays continues. Thr ough reading the bible and keeping the lamp burning, we minister to the Holy Spirit and keep the light on in the temple of God.

Through the new bonding and the meeting of hearts, we gather together to seek God’s righteousness and humility. Our gathering to seek God is unrestricted by time or space. The timely emergence of a strong church media team is a wonderful surprise! Truly, God is working wonders in our midst. Dear brothers and sisters, God is always with us! Let us seek Him in humility, do justice, love mercy; and may we stay hidden in Him while we share His love and kindness to the ends of the earth.•[2020.02.23]

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