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Rejuvenated through games

Recently, we have been discussing how under a relaxing and joyful atmosphere and through playing games, relationship-building and mingling of life shall be made possible. Yet after talking to many co-workers, we realize that the grown-up know not how to play anymore. As a mother, Debbie was driven up the wall by her game-loving children.

My children of 4 and 6 years old love playing game and they play with anything available to them, being incredibly innovative. Once we were at my cell leader’s home, and her two daughters who are of similar age to my children were there too. Four of them decided there and then to play being the pageboys and flower girls, tearing waste papers and showering them down like flowers, humming wedding music as well. Greatly shocked at how to pick up the pieces, I was grateful that it was not at my house, I am sure I would have been greatly annoyed.

Their favorite game is the “Rough-and-Tumble play” with their dad, which they nickname as “Piggy land”. But most of time, I am the killjoy as I find it dangerous. Therefore, my children grumble that I am only fun as Children Church tutor but not as their mom at home. Then I realize that playing is a ministry to me, must be entertaining and educational. The toys I bought them are brain-training, like bricks and puzzles and they are required to play quietly. That is why all these toys pale in comparison with “Piggy land”.

Wondering how I am to serve in Children Church if I am truly unpassionate and unimaginative, I prayed and sought the reasons of my life fountain being blocked. It was brought to my mind that my mother reared me alone when I was young. Under great stress and pressure, she was highly demanding and made me obey many rules. Especially during my sickness, due to fear, worry and selfblame, she took it out on me. Likewise, when I play with my children, I will restrict them because I am worried that they will be hurt. In “Seeing 2020”, I shall get rid of fear, learn to play and restore my true self in order to release more creativity and vitality.

Debbie’s life is like a well whose fountain is still intact. She is still young at heart, creative and energetic, but the well is blocked by trash and fallen leaves. May I urge my children to awake your childlike hearts by learning how to play so that God’s initial creation on us is restored. Then out of our lives shall flow abundant water naturally!•

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