Dur ing monthly prayer meet ing on 5th December, C-Mo shared what it meant to be a spiritual sculptor:
In mid-November, Pastor Joshua and I, joined by Michel & Angela took a break in Europe. God spoke to me through this journey, affirming one thing I had been diligently doing for the past 18 years. In the past, I used different metaphors to illustrate discipleship. “Sewer cleaning” was the first. When it brought to my attention that someone’s life was “blocked”, I would unblock it like a sewerman. “Catching bug” came afterward. It is my forte to get rid of the bugs in people’s lives so that their lives may grow healthily. Thirdly, discipleship is like nurturing pearls as the “mother-of-pearl”. Now, we are in the new phase when God said to me, “You are to be a sculptor like Michelangelo.”
Michelangelo’s masterpiece “David statue” was very much lifelike, attracting many visitors each year. Initially, that marble was rejected by a few sculptors. However, seeing that marble, Michelangelo saw the “David” hidden inside (the angel inside), and he spent two years to finish the “David’s statue”. How did Michelangelo see David hidden inside the marble? The truth is our lives are like a marble, with an angel hidden inside. Without sculpting, the angel inside us is not to be seen. In general, sculpting includes chopping unnecessary parts, carving and polishing, every one of those is important.
God is not calling us to be a great sculptor, but a spiritual sculptor who carves and molds people’s life so as to bring out the angel inside them. What this life project accomplishes is way beyond the work of Michelangelo. God approves our work and therefore, we shall continue with this life project in order that more “David” shall be released from people’s life.•