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God is with Us

On the highway to Switzerland, a ray of light suddenly broke through dense cloud, like a guiding light. Immediately, I took photos with my cell phone. Later on, I noticed a road sign with a German word “EXIT” on it. Seemed like God was saying that though Hong Kong is in darkness and turmoil, His light shall lead us on, showing us the way out. “But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endur e it.” (1 Co 10:13b)

On the return flight, I saw a sea of cloud outside the window with the sun above it and also a beam of light at the far end of the cloud! Through amazing natural phenomena, God told me that even above the thick cloud, He is still with me, sending forth His warm light on us. Please refer to the cover of this weekly bulletin.

The next day of us returning to Hong Kong, we read Joshua chapter 3 on morning devotion. It talks of the Israelites at the edge of Jordan River, ready to enter the Promised Land. “Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.’” (Joshua 3:5) As soon as Joshua responded to God and crossed the Jordan River boldly in faith, God honored his decision by making the water stand up in a heap. “And the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses.’” (Joshua 3:7)

Right now in Hong Kong, it was like crossing the Jordan River to us. We will also experience signs and wonders and enter the Promised Land. Just because the situation is not going smoothly and demands are not being met, one should not conclude that God does not care about us or that our prayer is ineffective. Then we take matter into our hands, trying to change the situation. We should believe that God is real. Crossing the Jordan was a way no one had been before. The key is to trust in God, consecrate ourselves and get rid of all flesh, self-righteousness and doubts. Instead we obey God’s command in action. As long as we make decisions by faith and not by sight, believe that God is kind and faithful as well as hold on to love and truth, then God will surely be with us and we may encounter signs and wonders.

The musical “The King of Love” shall be performed this coming Saturday and Sunday services. Dear brothers and sisters, despite difficult situation, we must believe that God is love. It is the Kingdom of God we shall pursue wholeheartedly, not the earthly one because all kingdoms on earth shall pass away but the Kingdom of God never changes. His kindness alone endures forever.• [2019.12.08]

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