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Praise of the Tree of Life

After Weddings of the Lamb in Sukkot, we, as the Tree of Life, display more of God’s abundance and glory. Recently, we have commissioned New Crop 611 and ordained 17 MG leaders amid turbulence in Hong Kong. We are grateful that God never stops doing new things. On the contrary, we come to understand more of the glory of the ONE WAY Tree of Life and the will of God.

Tree of Life does not remain unchanged. This year, there have been many internal adjustments in the church. The lives of our co-workers, couple relationship, family conditions and the laws God puts on Levites are our top concern. Ministry success comes after. When the degree of the softness of the Tree of Life is adjusted, it shall be of better health, bearing stronger trunk and branches.

Tree of Life grows continually. Commissioning New Crop 611 symbolizes not only the spiritual capacity of Ps Adino, but also the expansion and increase of the overall spiritual capacity of the Church as a Tree of Life. It also signifies life extension, more freedom and more room to develop. It depicts the continuous renewal of the Tree of Life. “Become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” In the future, for sure more of my spiritual children will be sent out, how hopeful we are!

More so, Tree of Life is home-grown. The ordination of 17 MG leaders seems like three streams of fresh water of the Spirit to me – couples receiving discipleship together, single MG leaders discipling couples and the young MG leaders being raised up. As we have personally discipled every MG leader for quite some time, we care much about their lives and families. Absorbing DNA from the Tree of Life, they have attained certain spiritual capacity and shall pass on the essence of our lives to next generations through discipleship, living out God’s Kindness, uprightness and simplicity.

I uphold ONE WAY Tree of Life which means every layer is covered, singling out not even one branch. As a Tree of Life, adjustment and metabolism are sure process. But the tree of knowledge of good and evil is stagnant, gradually losing hope, joy, vitality and shall perish eventually.

It is my hope that 611 children gain the perspective and faith of the Tree of Life, rising up to disciple the whole generation. We have come to a new milestone of the Tree of Life. At this point, I can’t help giving the highest praise to our God: O God! I praise you! May what I and my children offer before You be acceptable in Your sight!•

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