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Be still, and know that I am God

Finally, C-Mo and I are able to break from months of busy work. Immediately after receiving 32 pastors who came for an indepth visit last Saturday, we flew to Europe. In spite of the captivating scenery there, Hong Kong and our brothers and sisters still tugged at our hearts. After leaving Hong Kong, we heard of her situation deteriorating rapidly, as though falling into a deep pit. This is highly unexpected and heart-breaking. We are praying for Hong Kong unceasingly here.

In early October, I visited branch churches in Japan with the curator staff. Afterwards, we held seven services of “the Wedding of the Lamb”, celebrated my birthday, commissioned “New Crop 611,” as well as taught “Expository preaching” at Bible School for a week.

Expository preaching means rightly dividing the word of truth. I have been teaching this course for 15 years. Yet this time I found the most delight, not only because I was able to share in a more comprehensive and systematic way, but also seeing that attending co-workers, bible school students and branch church pastors had learned well. I believe that the course will help elevating the preaching ability and the lives of our branch church co-workers. The planting of Tree of Life churches everywhere is truly a blessing to the churches.

Visiting pastors and their wives from branch churches and other churches understood more about our church operation and development, after in-depth conversation with us for a few days. They long for and are willing to embrace the 611 core values with us. Thank God that He uses us to encourage and support other churches and branches. It is our hope for more people to receive the blessings of the Tree of Life.

Due to our packed schedule: having all kinds of decisions to make and pruning of co-workers’ lives; C-Mo and I were tired. C-Mo was exhausted spiritually and physically. Finally, we found relief and rest here in Europe. Moreover, we shall wait and seek God for His heart over our church.

Flying from Hong Kong to Switzerland, we drove straight to Italy. It took us almost seven hours to reach Vicenza in the northern Italy, which is about 100km from Venice. There, we took a brief rest, breathing in the fresh air, resetting our minds and being renewed in strength. As C-Mo restored her strength, happily, she shopped for materials with which to make new clothes for co-workers upon returning Hong Kong.

Dear brothers and sisters, though thick darkness covers the earth, the sovereignty of God never changes. We rely on God and walk in Truth. We live our life as usual, we firmly fix our eyes on God and keep praying without giving up! Don’t run around to find the way out. Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). Let us continue to devote ourselves to the peace of Hong Kong, and the Work of God. Darkness will end, and the dawn shall surely come.•[2019.11.17]

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