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The Way of Tree of Life

Thank God that at the Monthly Prayer Meeting last Wednesday, we ordained 17 MG leaders, totaling our MG leaders to 52, which is a new milestone in discipleship. Every MG leader has their own story of how God has led and used them. He has raised up the spouses of existing MG leaders, and also raised up the young generation. This is God’s Mighty Work, building up “611” as one Tree of Life. Starting from church staff, MG leaders and cell leaders, to brothers and sisters, all of us are running on the way of Tree of Life.

“Praise the Lord. I will extol the Lord with all my heart in the council of the upright and in the assembly. Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever. He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate. He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever. He has shown His people the power of His works, giving them the lands of other nations.” (Psalm 111:1-6)

He truly is the God who does wondrous things. We answered His call in 2001 to return to Hong Kong to establish the church. C-Mo and I, together with Pastor Deborah, started our gatherings at Fort Street in North Point. Just over a year later we moved to North Point Pier, starting the NPP Era. The congregation increased from a few hundred to more than a thousand in few years, and the Tea House Era started.

God keeps an everlasting covenant with us. He allowed us to be forced to leave North Point Pier. When we asked Him if we should move to Tsuen Wan, He showed us that it is the center of Hong Kong geographically. In 2007 we bought and moved to the first floor of Wealthy Garden by faith, kick-starting the Wealthy Garden Era. In 2009, we purchased the second floor of Wealthy Garden and built the Mercy Seat, where multiple services take place today. God never ceases working, instead He continues to give us more property, located in East Asia Gardens and Young Ya Industrial Building. This October, the Era of Youth Evangelism began. As soon as the major renovation of the studio in Young Ya Media Center finishes next year, the Media Era will begin.

In retrospect of the work of Father God in the past 18 years, we realize that all these are His Grace and Mercy. I am weak, so I will extol and praise Him with all my heart in the council of the upright. God has lavished on us abundant grace and excellent vessels, but one must ask, for what purpose? It is for us to be influential, to keep marching on, to bless the whole earth and to plant more Trees of Life, like we sent out Pastor Adino to establish “New Crop 611”. He will continue to lead us. At present, it is most important for us to focus on discipleship, building up lives and, becoming disciples of Jesus.

To the pastors from branch churches and fellow churches who came to 611 for in-depth visits last week, I urged them: The way of the Tree of Life is that as we go on, we realize more how lowly and unworthy we are. Then we shall humble ourselves and follow the Holy Spirit step by step, keep facing ourselves and changing ourselves, and we shall be transformed from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to the Tree of Life. Dear brothers and sisters, let us embark on this way of Tree of Life, to respond to the vision of Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 Years. He will surely bless us with even more fruitful life to glorify His name.•[2019.11.10]

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