Early this year, we received from God that the church shall enter a period of rest, hence reducing church activities and putting the body and soul of the co-workers to greater peace. Amazingly, the revelations from God come more readily and in greater measure. We are still moving forward however it doesn’t mean that we are not resting, on the contrary, we are more open to various adjustments and changes.
Usually, people find change uncomfortable, also prone to backlash and are reluctant to leave their comfort zone. But in 611, we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and gird ourselves to respond accordingly. To us, change is normal and healthy.
The concept of “One Tree of Life” is positively influencing the whole church as our sight and way of working are being adjusted. Gradually, changes are brewing, including switching co-workers’ posts. Our minds are open to receive God’s new flowing of river which shall come in and go out as it wills. Due to transformation, new atmosphere is birthed which is kept fresh and everflowing; not old or stagnant as old wineskin. If our mind turn stagnant, it is greatly restricted.
The infrastructure of the Church must be flexible, it’s alive, ready for changes at any time. The new generation will surpass the previous generation because humankind will keep maturing. In this way, the living water will be ever-flowing, and there will be no lack of successors.
Whenever a new wave arrives, our whole team will seek God for confirmation. Only when the whole steering committee sight aligns on a matter, then it will roll out in full scale. Under this circumstance, resistance is unlikely, there is no need for worry or concern. If the wineskin is soft enough, it shall be able to absorb and be undeterred by any changes. Resistance is likely to occur when the communication and “kneading dough” within the team beforehand is inadequate. Therefore, one should not be put off by fear.
May I urge and remind all 611 children, we are “Never Perfect”, we can never be perfect. When we advocate “One Way, One Tree of Life”, meaning that changes are not daunting as long as we turn towards Jesus, we will be able to change for the better, to be more like the Tree of Life and more like Jesus! • 【From the bottom of my heart — C-Mo (939th weekly bulletin of 611 Bread of Life Christian Church)】