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Tree of Life Church is the Key

After 18th church anniversary, we are officially 18, an adult already! The young generation grows up in the church, some of them have even joined our co-worker team. Obviously, the church has entered a new stage! Service attendance has reached 10,000 from time to time, what a great blessing of God! Even though we are in rest mode this year, we celebrated Purim and church anniversary in a great way. After all, it is not about how much time and effort we put in, but the Grace of God during rest.

Lately, we have been reading on the book of Exodus during morning devotion. Chapter 31 talks about “The Calling of the Tent of Meeting”, which is the calling to serve, to rest and to obey. God asks us not only to serve Him, but also to have rest and obey Him. As we serve and follow God in rest, submission and obedience; His grace shall overflow incessantly.

Looking back the past 18 years, God’s grace is boundless. God accepts and fulfills whatever we say and think: In time of rest, we have bought a piece of land and service attendance hit ten thousand. None of these is by power or mighty, but by the Spirit of God. This truth roots deeply within me, is part of my life.

Right after church anniversary celebration, we visited branch churches in Taiwan. Same-sex marriage bill was passed in Taiwan on 17th May. Then came the news, that the armed forces in Taiwan accepted application of homosexual couples to participate in the joint wedding ceremony. The moral degradation – everyone does as they see fit, thinking that they have taken a major step forward, saddens me a lot. However, our God is almighty and victorious. In spite of the current situation in Taiwan and the upcoming threats to Hong Kong, we should neither give up nor be despair. Instead, we firmly believe that God rules over the earth, Taiwan will see unexpectedly better future because all the earth is the Lord’s!

In recent years our heavenly Father has been revealing to us the “Tree of Life Church” vision. The Tree of Life Church is not just about gatherings and rituals. Therefore, it should not busy itself in bringing offerings but not live in submission. A church should be full of vitality and bear fruits of life. The root causes of the present social problem are the breaking down of family values and decaying of life from one generation to the next. Planting trees of life everywhere is the key! In end times, God will show His Glory, speak to the nations and transform the world through Tree of Life churches.

Dear brothers and sisters, we are to follow God to be the Tree of Life. Our generation is to be changed and they shall in turn change the next generation. We should be grateful for receiving this Tree of Life vision and this is the way out for the world. We should rise up to let the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. The world should be filled with love and vitality everywhere. As God is compassionate and gracious, all peoples will surely return to Him. • [2019.05.26]