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Out of fear into His Wonderful Joy

My name is Juliet Lu, a cell member of Jerylyn Baligod in ANEW.

In the past, I was in deep fear and worries. At the age of 15, I was told that I did not have long to live. But by God’s Grace, He preserves my life. When I turned 17, I was working in Manila and met my Taiwanese ex-husband.I moved to Taiwan and we had some happy times, but that did not last long because my husband beat me up after he was drunk even when I was pregnant. After much struggle, we are divorced leaving my child with him. Back in the Philippines and missing my child greatly, I started to drink and gamble to numb myself every day. But one day, I came back to my senses and started working in a factory where I met another man who loved me – at least I believed at the time. However, when I was 3 months pregnant, I found out he had a family. I was devastated and could not understand why my relationships always failed.

Coming to HK in 2010, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and saviour. Jan 2018, I came to 611 ANEW and join Jerylyn’s cell group. In the cell group, I receive a lot of comfort and find some genuine fellowship. My cell leader always support and prays for me, encourages me to attend equipping courses and joins the worship team. Last September, I found lumps over my breast. Reminded of Philippian 4:6- 7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”, I sought prayer from cell leader and worship team and refused to worry. Later on, I went back to the doctor and the result came back negative and I feel that all lumps have gone.

Instead of fear and worry, now I can be joyful. All glory be to my faithful God and the lover of my soul, Jesus Christ. • [2019.03.03]