Entering the first year of “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52years”, the first thing God wants from us is to make every effort to enter His rest. Regardless of the positions held in church, all of us must adjust our pace in life to enter His rest. From de-cluttering our homes, to physical training, to restoring relationships, to connecting with God; we strive to be physically renewed through rest. From 26th of January till the end of October this year, the church shall enter rest in all areas. Apart from main meetings, all ministries will be reduced by half and overseas visits will be minimized.
At the 60th birthday celebration of C-Mo, Father God specially sent a world-class florist, Eunice, from Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong. She decorated the venue with spectacular work. Observing her production closely, we were inspired about building up the church.
Eunice brought luggage of over 50kg filled with various kinds of floral materials, each with unique attributes requiring great attention. The floral materials need to be soaked in water beforehand, to prevent them from withering away during stand-by. After absorbing enough water, the drooping petals and receptacles had their vitality restored
and became strong again.
It was hard to imagine how to arrange a large bunch of floral materials one by one. Each flower is of different shape, and its petals grow in various inclinations and directions. Yet to the skilled florist of great discernment, she knows the best position of a flower as soon as she holds it in her hand. Then, she will be able to present a stunning flower bouquet before our eyes.
Isn’t the work of God of similar way? When we soak in the bountiful living water of the Holy Spirit willingly, everyone takes up their rightful position in humility and submission, and everyone receives pruning from God through the hands of authority; cell leaders are to arise and prosper in discipleship. Then, brothers and sisters in marketplace and
other positions shall exhibit robust vigor, so that we may materialize the vision of “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years.”
Morning devotion, sermons and cell group messages are feeding us the living water of the Holy Spirit and supplying our needs in life. May I urge everyone to be relentless and root deeply in the Word of God, and to attentively listen to our online messages. We have good news, our church website was recently re-launched with a brand-new multilingual structure. May the Lord continue to grant us more resources.
Year 2019 is a year of rest and regaining strength. God shall certainly bring people of diverse talents and gifts to the church. May I bless my brothers and sisters to be filled with strength, wisdom and revelation in life; and to keep following God in humility and submission. Let us behold the wonderful acts of God!• [2019.02.10]