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Rest and Onward

Right after Sukkot, God is leading us to “return and rest”, to enter a period of recuperation. As we wait on Him, everyone will revive in spirit and in strength.

In the coming 6 months, church ministries will take a slower pace – to reduce the workload of staff and volunteers. For example, the “Whole Whole Family Journal” will change from a monthly to a bimonthly publication, and the number of musicals each year will be halved, etc. Besides regular worship services and discipleship, every department will be looking into the amount of ministry they can reduce. This is to enable everyone to take things slowly and focus on waiting on God, so that we can embark in peace and quiet on the journey of “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years.” It is like the spawning of salmon: every autumn, salmon return from the ocean back to their river of origin, to lay eggs. Swimming upstream takes a huge amount of strength, so the salmon will first recuperate in the river before returning home in a single journey.

Likewise, we shall return and rest – and then in rest, we shall go forth and minister effortlessly. For example, last week we held a Pastors’ Couples Camp – C-Mo and I had decided to minister effortlessly. Therefore, I simply shared from my life – I refused to put myself under any pressure, and simply let the Holy Spirit move freely.

We have started to teach the “Safety Belt” sermon series – the second message is to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Pr 3:5-6). To “trust in the Lord with all your heart” is to put our thinking aside: to lean not on our own understanding and strength, but to follow God step by step. The brothers and sisters in the Marketplace who trust in the Lord with all their hearts shall also experience miracles.

Recently, we read 1 Chronicles 23, which described David summoning and numbering the Levites. That morning, we also numbered the people who present – including a group of pastors visiting from Korea, there were 352 people. Amazingly, the number “52” appeared again! Evidently, God is serious about “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years”.

“Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years” will not be accomplished through many ministries. Instead, as we strengthen our MG12 discipleship – shepherding our disciples with our lives as Jesus did – we will bear much fruit and be able to plant Trees of Life. No doubt, God Himself shall bring this to pass. This week marks my 64th birthday. Many of my old classmates are already retired, but God is still using me! In the past, I was rejected and considered very low, but “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.” (Ps 113:7) Dear brothers and sisters, we are the undeserving, yet God has chosen us and lifted us up. May the feeble lives of ours manifest God’s Power and Glory! • [2018.10.28]