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“The Light” Guided Thousand to Baptism Nations Presented Ingathering to God In Sukkot

This Sukkot, revival was in the air of 611! From 28th September to 1st October, 8 baptisms with 8 performances of “The Light” musical were conducted at the same time for 4 consecutive days, leading 302 people to Christ and baptizing 852 people. Twenty-eight branch churches of 12 nations held baptism at the same time, making a record of baptism for a thousand. Truly, it was the most beautiful “ingathering” presented to God by nations during this festive season!

People baptized came from different countries, including 33 from the Philippines, 3 from Indonesia, Nepal and 1 from the Ivory Coast! Many of them experienced God mightily after baptism. A stroke patient could walk without a crutch after the baptism, while an 88-year-old lady said with great joy after sprinkling baptism that it was the happiest moment of her life.

Due to typhoon Mangkhut, baptism was postponed from 16th September to the end of September, the Sukkot, which according to Pastor Joshua Cheung was of greater spiritual meaning. In the Bible, Sukkot is also the Feast of Ingathering, therefore, we baptize people into the Kingdom of God and offer them to the Lord as the most beautiful “Ingathering”.

This year marked the 70th baptism, C-Mo Delphine Cheung and Pastor Joshua were prompted to hold baptism with all branch churches in this great harvest time! Therefore, over 400 believers of different nationalities were baptized in 28 branch churches in the past two weeks. Adding the number of people baptized in Hong Kong 611, a total of 1258 people from the nations were baptized! Truly “The Light” guided thousand to baptism and nations presented ingathering to God in Sukkot! • [2018.10.07]


