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Baptism “Gathers In” to Celebrate Sukkot

A while back, one early morning, when I was still half asleep, I heard God teaching me, “The Feast of Ingathering is actually Sukkot.” In the Bible, after the Feast of Ingathering at the end of Jewish year comes Sukkot which means the Jews celebrate “Ingathering” before New Year and then “the Feast of Tabernacles”.

The “Beach Baptism of a Thousand” which will be held on the 16th September also means to “Gather In” the harvest of the Lord. Receiving the vision of “planting the Tree of Life everywhere in 52 years” on the 18th July, evangelistic events of cell groups and MG tribes have been in full force, bringing over 1200 to Christ and close to 500 people have already signed up for the Beach Baptism.

It will be Sukkot after the Feast of Ingathering, celebrating “Christ was born on Sukkot” and that God shall “tabernacle” in our midst. A lot of activities and decorations have been organized for this Sukkot, moreover brothers and sisters and cell groups passionately engage in evangelism and celebrate tabernacle of God with man. Surely, we shall rejoice greatly in this festive season.

Yom Kippur comes before Sukkot and falls on the 19th September this year when C-Mo and I will be away in the States by invitation. Regardless, the Holy Spirit led us also into sin confession. The week before last, we read the Gospel of Mark in morning devotion, depicting the last supper, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Immediately, the Holy Spirit prompted C-Mo to lead all co-workers to confess sins together during staff breakfast meeting on Thursday while the Sunday service talked about sin confession as well. The Monday after that, MG leaders confessed sins collectively, on the monthly prayer meeting, cell leaders led members to confess sins. Through reading Proverbs in morning devotion last week, God prompted brothers and sisters to reflect and repent of their life corruptions.

Biblical festivals tell us the rhythm and timing of God. Largely delighted to see what our church is doing matches those biblical festivals, I believe that God is indeed leading us. Ten years ago, C-Mo and I received the vision to hold Beach Baptism of a Thousand. This year I am in great faith that we shall truly baptize a thousand people! It will be the Baptism next Sunday and the third service will be held at the beach, combined with the beach baptism. There were 501 people baptized last year, adding on another 499 people will be 1000! May the Lord give us faith to press in.

“Baptism of a Thousand” is of enormous spiritual significance and one of the few in church history. The public and corporate testimony of God’s Glory from a thousand shall definitely bring major breakthrough to the spiritual realm, affecting the spiritual atmosphere, inspiring other churches to rise up to evangelism so that more souls can be saved and more importantly showing to the world of the many followers of Jesus!

Dear brothers and sisters, Father God works at His own pace and we should follow suit. From Ingathering, Jewish New Year, Yom Kippur to Sukkot, this year we dig deeper into the truth of “Sukkot”. Together let us encounter the glory of Baptism of a Thousand and witness the wonderful deeds of Father God. • [2018.09.09]