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Seize the Opportunity to Spread the Gospel

Praise the Lord for many new friends turning to Christ in the service last week. Between relying on oneself and seeking grace, they responded to the altar call by choosing to follow Jesus, embarking on the faith journey.

In the afternoon, 3 on 3 Basketball Match was held on the Young Ya basketball court with over hundred spectators. Despite losing the game, we won 26 souls for the Lord, Hallelujah!

I greatly appreciate the teachers who not only invited many young people but even brought them to Christ. That day, basketball match should have been the focus, it was not easy for me to preach or make the altar call. But amazingly, many new friends promptly responded by receiving Christ with a sincere heart. What a nice surprise it was and a sign that God is in our midst, we have truly entered into the season of harvesting and ingathering.

Recently, various evangelistic events by tribes and cell groups have been underway, bringing in great harvest. Two more weeks before Beach Baptism on the 16 September, all brothers and sisters are urged to continue in evangelism, invite new friends to join evangelistic events and encourage them to enroll in the Beach Baptism for Thousand. Praise the Lord, since “Cruise Carnival ’18” in July, over 500 people have received Christ, and the number is still going up!

Beach Baptism is to testify the Glorious Presence of Father God as well as to transform the land. When a thousand people are baptized under the name of Christ, history is made by God through us and with this we celebrate the birth of Christ on Sukkot, welcoming God to tabernacle among us, therefore it shall surely come to pass. Let us pray fervently for the Baptism for Thousand, seeking Grace from God on the weather, invitation of new friends and the whole rundown, we shall witness the awesome works of God.

As we follow God more and more, He is largely delighted to grant us resources to materialize His Kingdom. The other day, we received long-awaited official notice that the 1st and 2nd floor of “Young Ya” could be changed from industrial to media center purpose and further to commercial use by paying a land premium, all by the Grace of God. In faith we trust the required 14 million Hong Kong dollars land premium shall be provided by our Gracious God too.

Truly, in the last days, God calls us to rise up for the great harvest as these are the days of Revival. Nevertheless, the enemy is working extra hard as well. Nowadays, Christian missionaries have been cast away from some totalitarian countries, religion policies are being tightened, more sadly churches are persecuted and Christians are martyred in the so-called democratic countries. As members of the Church, we must be greatly concerned and intercede accordingly.

Brothers and sisters, we believe that the darker the night gets, the closer the Light is! May God grant us divine insight and outlook so that in faith we shall overcome all hardship before us. Enjoying the freedom and opportunities bestowed on us in Hong Kong, let us cherish and seize every opportunity to spread the Gospel, build up disciples, plant Trees of Life everywhere and transform the whole earth. • [2018.09.02]