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In Anticipation of Miracles

Following our Saturday service last week, excitedly, I joined C-Mo in Belgium for our Europe trip which was a time of rest as well as a chance to pray for the land that had brought revival of the Gospel in past years.

The vision of planting Trees of Life in 52 years has already set sail! Throughout the cruise trip, all that we received from God was revelations and good news. Coming back to Hong Kong, I saw the course of Typhoon Jongdari in the shape of a sickle of harvest, a God-given sign of a great harvest up in the sky. As we are moved by the Holy Spirit, we see wonderful things coming to pass. During the ANEW street evangelism, 25 sisters evangelized to their own people and brought 53 people to Christ. Afterwards, all pastoral zones also did street evangelism. The days of the great harvest have indeed begun. Just as our prophet had a vision of the “tide of red crabs” at the beginning of 2018, people are flooding into our church.

Sharing the good news of the great harvest and the feast of Ingathering with our daughter churches, we urged them to hold the beach baptism with us on the 16th September so as to offer the first fruits to God on Sukkot. Praise the Lord for such a great response in less than a week! 19 daughter churches from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Macau, Singapore and Japan are joining us. Baptism for Thousands on Sukkot is not a dream beyond reach, instead God’s Kingdom is tangible.

Anticipating miracles to happen, I have faith for the planting Trees of Life in 52 years. Dear brothers and sisters, by the time this planting of Trees of Life is accomplished, it will also mark the 70th anniversary of 611. Number 70 signifies “completeness” and revival because it took Israelites 70 years to return to the Promised Land. Whenever I ponder upon God’s awesome plans and arrangements, that He willingly chooses us, the lowly people to enter the flow of revival, I am grateful beyond words.

In the 50’s, God raised up Pastor Timothy Dzao, a revival vessel of Hong Kong to hold evangelistic meetings at King’s theatre and baptisms at Repulse Bay.  He established Kowloon Ling Liang Church, Bread of Life (BOL) Church in Taipei, Hong Kong Ling Liang Church as well as planting branch churches all over Hong Kong and overseas.

In the 90’s, led by the Holy Spirit, Taipei BOL Church was renewed and transformed. Pastor Nathanael Zhou put forward the vision of “Strengthening the base, Marching southward, Mission Work and Church Planting.” In ten years, the church planting ministry of Taipei BOL Church has seen enormous growth, birthing over 400 branch churches around the globe.

During our prayer meeting in August, we took a prophetic action in which I “planted” the Tree of Life seedling in the hands of my disciples, who then “planted” it in the hands of the cell leaders in the first row.

This was repeated to the second, third and the fourth row and to the whole congregation. The Tree of Life shall grow from a seedling to a big tree, whose leaves have healing power, transforming many people’s lives so that they will be blessed.

Dear brothers and sisters, the vision of planting Trees of Life in 52 years is greatly anticipated, we must expect to see miracles! • [2018.08.19]