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The Intimate Opponent

Praise the Lord for the enthusiastic response to the new book “The Intimate Opponent” which only came out last week.
Some brothers and sisters even brought in tens as the Chinese New Year gifts. [Editor’s Note: Only a handful of the first  edition is left, please get it quickly.] Starting from 11th Feb until 18th March, excluding the Purim, C-Mo and I will head the five service messages, themed, “New Wineskin Marriage: Solution comes from the boxing ring” based on this book.

The night we received “The Intimate Opponent” hot off the press, C-Mo and I were so exhilarated that champagne bottle was propped in celebration. It took us and some co-workers and volunteers of the publishing department much effort, time and energy to birth this exquisite book.

But more importantly, this book is the crystallization of our lives because together we are being heirs of the grace of life and together we have experienced life and death a number of times. Therefore, we are acutely aware and deeply treasure the priceless intimate marriage relationship. One of the keys lies in having genuine and sincere communication of feelings in His Truth and Love.

“The Intimate Opponent” cites the real cases in our discipleship and after analysis offers solutions which include the  couple’s boxing ring, the Shekinah Ladder and the four mountains of husband and wife, etc., so as to change the badly twisted worldly views on marriage.

I am strongly mindful that by my own strength, I was merely a pastor who built a church of hundred people in ten years. Being nobody at all, C-Mo and I can only be faithful to what Father God has graciously given and entrusted to us. In turn, through our lives, we build up church and shepherd His sheep. Along the way, we realize that marriage relationship is of the utmost importance in discipleship.

Discipleship is to restore and re-establish an intimate relationship. Just imagine that when all members of an entire church are cultivating intimate marriage relationships, for sure their family relationships and parental relationships will be greatly turned around. Such a church will be predominately influential, able to disciple all ranks in the marketplace and effortlessly dissolve the problems of “Marketplace Church”. We must be grateful and vigilant because Father God has granted 611 BOL the messages of New Wineskin Church and New Wineskin Marriage, all for us to build a glorious church.

In few days, it will be Chinese Valentine’s Day. May I wish brothers and sisters, especially those who are married or in  courtship to have increasingly intimate relationship as your boxing skill improves.

Whether you are married or still single, by the Might of the Holy Spirit, in 2018, you shall find greater joy and savor the sweetness in the discipleship
relationship.• [2018.02.25]