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The Godly Way

We had barely come back from Europe with the steering committee, still recovering from jetlag, but C-Mo wasted no time in hosting “One Way Parent Meeting” in church on Tuesday, the public holiday. With more than 700 attendees, many of them carrying toddlers or children, the meeting was thus highly-spirited.

The revival of Gospel began first in Europe, impacting greatly on the Continent which was evident as many masterpieces birthed in the Renaissance were closely related to the Christian Faith. Europe is full of spectacular scenery, sadly, her faith in Christ is being eroded as time goes by. One cannot help but lament over deserted cathedrals and perishing churches.

Europe today, due to booming of Humanism, does not welcome free evangelism. Abundance in material possession, human rights and continuous development of liberal thinking are engulfing the ‘ Gospel’ which once triggered revival in Europe. The latest issue of ‘Kingdom Revival Times’ reported, ‘60% of Christians in Europe are being swayed by the New Age Movement, only 20% of them still abide in the Biblical Truth and walk in God’s Way. The rest, 80% of Christians is adversely influenced and affected by the secular world.” Truly as the book of Ecclesiastes put it, “Meaningless, meaningless”, “generations come and generations go”, “there is nothing new under the sun.”It so happened that the new US president paid his first visit to Europe, attending summit meetings with NATO and EU while we were touring there. Coincidentally, this year marks 500th anniversary of religious reformation headed by Martin Luther, and hence religious leaders of all nations are gathering in Italy, exploring future direction for the Church today. Doubtlessly Europe is earnestly awaiting political and religious breakthrough and revival.

On 31st Oct, 1517, Martin Luther posted a notice in Latin on the church door, inviting debate on the “Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, out of love and passion for the Truth to be revealed in Light”. That sparked widespread religious reformation and revival. Back then, debate of that kind in university was commonplace and more than often, church doors served as notice boards.

Martin Luther flung open the door of “Faith” founded on the Biblical Truth. Today, we must lead the next generation to go through “the door of Christ”, to stay away from world’s contamination and come back to the Truth. Nowadays, family and education areas are crumbling due to the emergence of all-round elite education, Benthamism and unrestricted freedom of thought of individual. Therefore, monster parents who pave the way for their offspring, badly spoiling them are increasing in number. This causes spilt, damage and opposition in society. With no further delay, we must bring the next generation back to the Only Way of Christ.

Dear brothers and sisters, arise, abide in the Truth and let God be the head. Dare to say no to the world; be led by the Holy Spirit, give thanks always and confess sins always. We shall grow by wisdom and lead by obedience. How I long for brothers and sisters to embrace these visions, standing up boldly and warring for the Truth. We have walked through 16 years, coming into the glorious 17th year. Let us take Psalm 128 as our resolution to walk in the godly and blessed way.

“Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.” (Psalm 128:1-2)【2017.06.04】

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