Co-worker Martin Testimony: To empty and let go of my stronghold, my marital relationship becomes at ease and at peace
Co-worker Martin’s Testimony: To empty and let go of my stronghold, my marital relationship becomes at ease and at peace Co-worker Martin shares that from a young age, he has learned to be independent and restrain himself. Over time, he became more goal-oriented and paid less attention to people’s feelings. At work, this caused him to create more restrictions & boundaries. He thus imposed various rules on his family members. During his studies at the Bible School, his authority did not let go of him, which made him reflect on his wife’s love over the years. He began to learn humility and acceptance. Through constant changes, he was able to relax, and his family and interpersonal relationships gradually broke through.
倒空放手走出營壘 關係放鬆夫妻和睦 / 張瑞仁同工 Co-worker Martin Testimony