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Becoming one tree of life in grace

恩典裡成為一棵生命樹 Becoming one tree of life in grace 一、大患難中被贖出來 (啟Rev 7:9-17) Redeemed from the great tribulation 二、Love and Trust 進入榮耀盼望 (啟Rev 22:1-5) Enter the glorious hope in Love and Trust

World change begins with Priests and Levites

World change begins with Priests and Levites Pastor Susanna Yuen Malachi 2 1. Hear! Give all the best (v.1-4) 2. Revere! Pass on the Law of Life (v.5-9)   改變世界從祭司利未人開始 World change begins with Priests and Levites 袁莉儀牧師 Pastor Susanna Yuen 瑪拉基書 Malachi 2 一、聽從!獻上一切最好的 (v.1-4) 1. Hear! Give all the best (v.1-4) 二、敬畏!傳講生命的律法 (v.5-9) 2. Revere! Pass on the Law of Life (v.5-9)

The Sixth Beatitude: The Pure and Simple will See God

天國第六福:Pure and Simple必得見神 The Sixth Beatitude: The Pure and Simple will See God 一、 有福了! (太Mat 5:8) Blessed 二、 Pure and Simple 的人 (太Mat 5:8;詩Ps 73:1-10, 16-17, 22-28) The pure and simple 三、 必得見神 Will see God A 神深深與我們連結 (詩Ps 24:3-5) God is deeply connected with us B 神的榮耀持續降臨 (賽Is 60:2) God’s glory continues to come

Arise! Expand! No regrets!

起來!擴展!無悔! Arise! Expand! No regrets! 你想全家人一起服事神嗎?今週主日Susanna傳道一家三口為我們分享信息,願我們一同得著全家服事神的上好祝福! 講員:袁莉儀傳道 Pastor Susanna、伍兆瑜族長 MG Leader Larry、MG Leader Joanne 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 25 一、領受量身打造的 Being (14-18) Receive your tailor-made Being 二、發揮 Being,大大倍增 (19-23) Live out Being and expand greatly 三、害怕埋藏,全部失去 (24-30) Hide in fear and lose it all

Arise! Expand! No regrets!


Embrace Jesus’ Pure and Simple

擁抱耶穌的 Pure and Simple Embrace Jesus’ Pure and Simple 耶穌的生命是柔和謙卑,對天父充滿單純的信心。讓我們一同來擁抱耶穌的Pure and simple! Verse: Matthew 11 一. 單純的相信 Simply trust A. 要在信心中常常禱告 v.1-8 Pray always in faith B. 不要自以為義 v.9-14 Do not be self-righteous 二. 單純的領受 Simply Receive A. 不要像有錢官般捉住世界 v.18-30 Do not hold on to the world like the rich ruler B. 要像嬰孩般緊緊捉住神 v.15-17 Hold on to God as an infant

Embrace Jesus’ Pure and Simple

耶穌的生命是柔和謙卑,對天父充滿單純的信心。讓我們一同來擁抱耶穌的Pure and simple!

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