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Teach children under the tree of life and enjoy generational blessings

生命樹下 教養孩童 代代享福 Teach children under the tree of life and enjoy generational blessings 申Deu 6 一、殷勤教導孩童 抓緊神的話語 v1-9 Diligently teach children to grasp the word of God 二、培養下一代成為生命樹 v10-25 Cultivate the next generation to become the tree of life 1. 常感恩 Always be grateful 2. 常敬畏 Always revere God 3. 常倚靠 Always trust 4. 常見證 Always testify

生命樹下 教養孩童 代代享福

生命樹下 教養孩童 代代享福 Teach children under the tree of life, and be blessed from generation to generation 許靜傳道 申Deu 6章 一、殷勤教導孩童 抓緊神的話語 v1-9 Diligently teach children to grasp the word of God 二、培養下一代成為生命樹v10-25 Cultivate the next generation to become the tree of life 1. 常感恩Always grateful 2. 常敬畏Always in awe 3. 常倚靠Always trust 4. 常見證Always testify

Teach children under the tree of life, and be blessed from generation to generation

生命樹下 教養孩童 代代享福 Teach children under the tree of life, and be blessed from generation to generation 許靜傳道 申Deu 6章 一、殷勤教導孩童 抓緊神的話語 v1-9 Diligently teach children to grasp the word of God 二、培養下一代成為生命樹v10-25 Cultivate the next generation to become the tree of life 1. 常感恩Always grateful 2. 常敬畏Always in awe 3. 常倚靠Always trust 4. 常見證Always testify

Life integrated and sanctified, Workplace ascends

生命整合 歸神為聖 職場上升 Life integrated and sanctified, Workplace ascends 但以理書一章 (Daniel 1) 一、虛假信仰 神必對付到底 (v.1-7) God will surely deal with the false beliefs 二、真實聖潔 順服連結權柄 (v.8-14) Be truthful and holy, submit and connect with the authority 三、持守到底 神賜尊榮恩寵 (v.15-21) Hold fast till the end, God gives honour and favours

Love again under the Apple Tree

Love again under the Apple Tree Pastor Joey John 21:1-19 1. The Lord wakes me under the Apple Tree 2. I shepherd the Lord’s sheep under the Apple Tre   在蘋果樹下再愛一次 許靜傳道 Pastor Joey 約翰福音 John 21:1-19 一、主在蘋果樹下叫醒我 二、我在蘋果樹下牧養主的羊



聖靈 我的心田需要你




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