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We are all Witnesses of Resurrection

Verse: Mark 16:9-20 1. Receive Resurrection (v.9) 2. Receive Faith (v.10-14) a. Get out of Mourning and Weeping, Rejoice Greatly (v.10-11; Matt 28:8) b. Get rid of Downcast and Ignorance, Hearts Ignited (v.12; Luke 24:13-35) c. Get rid of Fear and Stubbornness, Always Believe (v.13-14; John 20:19) 3. Manifest Mighty Power (v.15-20) a. Preach to the World, Miracles Follow b. Offer Entirely, Walk with the Lord   你我都是復活見證人 We are all Witnesses of Resurrection 經文:馬可福音 16:9-20 一、領受復活 (v.9) 二、領受信心 (v.10-14) 1. 走出哀慟哭泣,大大歡喜 (v.10-11; 太28:8) 2. 除去愁容無知,心裡火熱 (v.12; 路24:13-35) 3. 除去懼怕剛硬,總要相信 (v.13-14; John 20:19) 三、彰顯大能 (v.15-20) 1. 普世宣教 神蹟相隨 2. 全人擺上 與主同行

Whole Whole Family is Possible

好好家庭做得到 Whole Whole Family is Possible 創Gen 2:18-25; 4:1-9 一.第一好!丈夫要讓妻子幫 創Gen 2:18-25 Whole! Husband should allow wife to help 1.先關係 後事工 v.15 Relationship before ministry 2.突破獨居 更深合一 v.24-25; 腓 Phl2:2; 約Jon 5:19 From living alone to deeper unity 二.第二好!兄弟要討神喜悅 創Gen 4:1-8 Whole Whole! Brothers please the Lord 1.以初熟頭生尊榮神 Honor God with first fruit and firstborn 2.以信心順服跟隨神 來Heb 11:4 Obey and follow God by faith 三.結論 Conclusion 1. 父母榜樣更美好 Better role model of the parents 2. 弟兄和睦神來到 詩Psa 133 Welcome God’s presence with harmony

Love unto the ends of the earth

Verse: Romans 8:28-30, 8:31-39, 2 Corinthians 5:13-15 1. All things work for the good of those who love God (Rom 8:26-30) 2. Those loved by God conquer all (Rom 8:31-39) a. Conquer all resistance of people (v.31-34) b. Conquer all trouble circumstances (v.35-37) c. Conquer all powers of darkness (v.38-39) 3. Respond to God’s love to be crazy for God (2Co 5:13-15)

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