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The Tree of Life’s Way of Success

Verse: Proverbs 22:22-29; 23:1-11 1. Four Warnings against Destruction 22:22-28 No! Exploitation or Crushing v.22-23 No! Hot-temper or Rage v.24-25; 29:22 No! Pledge or Security v.26-27; 17:18 No! Moving Ancient Boundary v.28; Deuteronomy 27:17 2. Four Traps in Pursuing Success 23:1-9 Feast with a Ruler v.1-3 Glance at Riches v.4-5 Meal with a Begrudging Host v.6-8 Foolish People v.9 3. Beware: God will Defend 22:23; 23:11 4. Serving Diligently is the Right Way 22:29; Ezra 7:6

5 Golden Rules of Kingdom Investment

Verse: Mark 10:28-31 1. Leave everything first, receive later v.28-29,Matthew 19:27 2. Everybody receives a hundred times v.30 3. Leave the earthly, receive the heavenly v.30 4. Inevitable persecution, guaranteed eternal life v.30,John 15:20, 2 Timothy 3:12  5. Seize the opportunity, Heavenly throne awaits v.31,Matthew 19:28

The Glorious Church Extends through Parent-child Relationship

【Bible Verse】Ephesians 6:1-4 A.Children obey and honor their patents in the Lord  v.1-3, Exo 20:12 a.Reasonable and right b.Greatly blessed B.Fathers nurture their children as the Lord does  v.4, Col3:21 a.Do not exasperate their children b.Be like Christ C.Behold, the glorious church is expanding!

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