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New Wineskin Marriage: Four Mountains for the Husband (B)

Verse: Genesis 1 A. Mountain of Perfecting: Husband has the authority, wife makes decision 1. God creates, authorizes man to rule (Genesis 1:26; Matthew 18:18-19) 2. Jesus is the Lord, answers the prayer of Church (John 15:7; Matthew 8:13, 15:28) 3. Husband is the head, fulfills the wife’s decisions (Proverbs 31:13-27) B. Mountain of Embracing: Embracing wife’s opposition 1. Embrace wife’s differences, changed from not-good to good and better a. The only remedy for an isolated lifestyle (Genesis 2:18) b. The only way to walk into blessing (Genesis 1:27-28) c. A strong and powerful prayer altar (1 Peter 3:7) 2. Embrace wife’s opposition, […]

New Wineskin Marriage: Four Mountains for the Husband (A)

Verse: 1 Corinthians 1 1. Mountain of laying down: Please God and make your wife happy A. Husband shall please God and make his wife happy too( 1 Corinthians 7:32-34a;Deuteronomy 24:5) B. Align with God’s will to please God (1) Husband needs wife’s help (Genesis 2:18) (2) Husband and wife represent Christ and the Church(Ephesians 5:31-32) C. Out of solitude to make your wife happy (1) Lay down yourself(Ephesians 5:25-27) (2) Care for your wife(Ephesians 5:28-30) 2. Mountain of shouldering: Women can be wrong but your wife is never A. Adam sinned, God remedied(Genesis 3:11-13, 21) B. Man sin, Jesus bears(John 1:29;1 John 3:5) C. Wife makes mistakes, husband […]

Do Not Judge but Pray

Verse: Matthew 7:1-12 1. Judging is very bad A. Judgementalism begins v.1-2 B. It is hypocrisy v.3-5 C. It is foolish and ignorant v.6 2. Praying is really good A. God will answer v.7-11 B. Man will show favour v.12

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