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Freedom brings Self-control 2

有自由 有節制2 Freedom brings Self-control 2 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason Wang 日期:2019.08.24 語系:英(English)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:(創Ge1:26) (加Gal5:23) 一. 神要人全然自由 (創Ge1:26) God wants man to be completely free 二. 人要有節制生命 (加Gal5:23) Man ought to have a life of self-control A. 從神而來的禁止開始 (創Ge2:16-17;林前1Co9:25:創Ge3:06) Starting from God’s forbiddance B. 適可而止,不要過量 (創Ge9:20-21;弗Eph5:18) Moderation without indulgence 三. 大自由,大節制 The greater the freedom, the greater the self-control A. 權柄越大,越要節制 (申Dt17:16-17;徒Ac24:24-26;提前Ti1 3:2,11) Higher authority, higher self-control B. 知識越多,越要節制 (彼後2Pe1:6) More knowledge, more self-control C. 年紀越長,越要節制 (多Tit 2:2) Increase in age, increase in self-control

John 21

John 17

John 16

John 14

Church of Pergamum

《Tree of Life Church Series》3 Church of Pergamum verse: Revelation 2:12-17 1. Truly know that the Lord has a sharp double-edged sword v.12-16 a. Remain true to the name of the Lord v.12-13; Hebrews 4:12 b. Renounce false teachings v.14-16 2. Receive hidden manna and white stone v.17; John 6:48; Revelation 19:7-21

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