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1 Kings 21

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

Christ was born in the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

《基督降生在住棚》 Christ was born in the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) 一、住棚節是最大的節期 (申16:16; 亞14:17-18) Sukkot is the greatest feast 二、基督住棚在我們中間 (約1:14;太1:23; 2:16-17) Christ tabernacles among us 三、神終極心意:基督作王來住棚 (啟11:15; 啟17:14; 啟21:3) God’s ultimate will: Christ reigns and tabernacles with us

1 Kings 5

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French


一、生命有定期 強壯要努力;二、追求好關係 長壽又美福;三、生命有界線 愛神再加添

Luke 16

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

Luke 14

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French


男人要帶頭整合 Man is to take the lead to integrate 跟隨神的路上,我們會發現自己生命有許多割裂。原來男人帶頭整合,會帶來極大的轉化!讓我們一起來整合自己,活出屬神的生命! 經文:使徒行傳 Acts 10:1-8, 21-24 一、生命整合不分割?是可以的!(v1-v2) Can life be integrated and not compartmentalized? Yes it can A. 信仰整合 Our faith integrated B. 家庭整合 Our family integrated 二、還可以更多整合(v3-v8) Be integrated even more 三、神大大使用整合的人(v21-v24) God uses integrated people mightily

Man is to take the lead to integrate

男人要帶頭整合 Man is to take the lead to integrate 跟隨神的路上,我們會發現自己生命有許多割裂。原來男人帶頭整合,會帶來極大的轉化!讓我們一起來整合自己,活出屬神的生命! 經文:徒Acts 10:1-8,21-24 一、生命整合不分割?是可以的!(v1-v2) Can life be integrated and not compartmentalized? Yes it can A. 信仰整合 Our faith integrated B. 家庭整合 Our family integrated 二、還可以更多整合(v3-v8) Be integrated even more 三、神大大使用整合的人(v21-v24) God uses integrated people mightily

Man is to take the lead to integrate


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