2 Kings 20
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
裝載新酒 湧流全地 Filled with new wine, overflow throughout the earth 新酒四部曲「渴慕、倒空、裝載、湧流」,第二講絕對不能錯過! Verse: Acts 26:1-23 一、錯誤渴慕,必須倒空 v.1-15 Must empty wrong desire 二、裝載基督,成為神僕 v.16-18 Filled with Christ, become God’s servant 三、不畏生死,不斷湧流 v.19-23 Fearless of death, keep overflowing
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French