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Psalm 86

Psalm 85

Psalm 84

The Vision of Tree of Life Shall Declare Completion

Bible Verse: Nehemiah 6-12 1.The Vision of Tree of Life has been launched A. 615.52 as the Completion of the vision 6:15-16 B. 611.724 as Signs of launching out  9:1-8 2. The Vision of Tree of Life is Torah A.Reading Aloud the Torah (611) 8:1-3, 14-18 B.Repenting, Returning and Consecrating  9:32-38; 10:28-31 3. The Vision of Tree of Life Shall be Completed A. 52 years of continuous effort  12:1, 10-11, 26 B.Dedication of Completion is a Joyous Celebration  12:27-31, 36-40, 43 C.Dedicating Big Offerings to Multiply the Tree of Life  12:43-47

Ezra 6

Ezra 5


A. Soulful Response to God v.4 1. Soulful Listening of God’s Call 2. Soulful Living up to God’s Oneness B. Soulful Response to God V.5 1.Love God heartfully 2.Love God soulfully 3.Love God manyfully   C. Soulful Atmosphere for Children to Love God v.6-9 1.Teach them Diligently to your Children v.7 2.Tie them as reminders on your forearm v.8a 3.Bind them on your forehead  v.8b 4.Write them on the door frames  v.9

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