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Behold the Passover Lamb on the Cross

【Bible Verse】Mark 15 1. The Passover Lamb Sacrifices Willingly (v.1-15) 2. He Bears our Pain to Heal Pain (v.16-28) 3. He Bears our Shame to Remove Shame (v.29-41) 4. He Defeats Death to Bring Glory of Resurrection (v.42-47)

Mark 9

Psalm 86

Psalm 85

Psalm 84

The Vision of Tree of Life Shall Declare Completion

Bible Verse: Nehemiah 6-12 1.The Vision of Tree of Life has been launched A. 615.52 as the Completion of the vision 6:15-16 B. 611.724 as Signs of launching out  9:1-8 2. The Vision of Tree of Life is Torah A.Reading Aloud the Torah (611) 8:1-3, 14-18 B.Repenting, Returning and Consecrating  9:32-38; 10:28-31 3. The Vision of Tree of Life Shall be Completed A. 52 years of continuous effort  12:1, 10-11, 26 B.Dedication of Completion is a Joyous Celebration  12:27-31, 36-40, 43 C.Dedicating Big Offerings to Multiply the Tree of Life  12:43-47

Ezra 6

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