The miracle of feeding the five thousand: I am the Bread of Life, which satisfies people completely
《Seven Miracles in John》Sermon 4
Pastor Asaph Lau
Pastor Hadassah Chow
John 6:1-14;24-40
《Seven Miracles in John》Sermon 4
Pastor Asaph Lau
Pastor Hadassah Chow
John 6:1-14;24-40
一生敬拜、不斷上升 A life of worship keeps ascending 創Gen 18:1-33 一、在信心考驗中,要堅持敬拜 (v.1-8) Continue to worship amidst the test of faith 二、跨越人的限制,生命不斷上升 (v.9-15) Overcome man’s limitations, life keeps ascending
信靠神,在黑暗中誇勝 Trust God and triumph in darkness 一、危難中來呼求神 (斯Est 4:3,11,13-14,16) In distress, cry out to God 二、大顯神助逆轉勝 (斯Est 5:2-3, 6:11, 9:1-5) God helps to turn defeat into victory
1. In distress, cry out to God
2. God helps to turn defeat into victory
我們跟隨唯一的神,祂會賜給我們數之不盡豐盛的祝福和應許。我們有小婉姨姨分享一起踏上這條One Way蒙福之路。
拯救世代的收生婆 Midwives who saved generations 講員:周婉婷傳道 Pastor Hadassah Chow (一)時代困局中 畏神不畏人 (出Ex 1:15-17) Facing dilemma fear God not people (二)敬畏神 救己又救人(出Ex 1:18-22) Fearing God saves yourself and others