神是我們唯一的天父爸爸,除祂以外沒有別的神,Eben叔叔分享一同走在One Way的道路上,得著這份屬天的盼望和應許!
神是我們唯一的天父爸爸,除祂以外沒有別的神,Eben叔叔分享一同走在One Way的道路上,得著這份屬天的盼望和應許!
Love and trust across generations in the tree of life 1. The love and trust between Paul and Philemon 2. The love and trust between Paul and Onesimus
1. The love and trust between Paul and Philemon
2. The love and trust between Paul and Onesimus
潘永權族長 MG Leader Eben
路加福音 Luke 15:5-32
我兒,你在哪裏?! My son, where are you? 1) 慈愛的等待 (路Luke 15:11-24) Wait in Kindness 2) 忍耐的期待 (路Luke 15:25-32) Anticipate with patience
1) Wait in Kindness
2) Anticipate with patience
3) Rejoice together
天國第四福:成為飢渴慕義的人 The Fourth Beatitude: Become those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (太Mat 5:6) A) 飢渴慕義的人有福了 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness 飢渴慕義的三個層次 Three levels of hungering and thirsting for righteousness 1. 願意聽、行神的話 (賽Isa 55:1-2;摩Amos 8:11;太Mat 3:15, 5:19-20) Willing to listen and do God’s Words 2. 心與神連結 (羅Rom 4:3;來Heb 11:6) Connect with God in the heart 3. 有神的屬性 (賽Isa 61:1-3) Carry God’s attributes B) 他們必得飽足 They shall be filled 得著各樣屬靈的祝福 (賽Isa 61:4-11)
愛與信任 跟從到底 With love and trust, follow to the end 經文:約翰福音John 21章 一. 愛的經歷 提升生命 v.1-14 Experience of love, life raised up 1. 主動的愛 驅走黑暗 v.1-3 A proactive love casts out darkness 2. 量身的愛 吸引走近 v.4-14 A tailor-made love draws one close 二. 愛的呼召 一生跟從 v.15-23 Calling of love, follow with whole life 1. 接納的愛 委身信任 v.15-19 An accepting love brings commitment and trust 2. 放下一切 專一跟神 v.20-23 Lay down everything to follow God wholeheartedly
如鷹背負起飛吧! Fly high as on eagle’s wing 講員:潘永權族長、羅秀頴族長 MG Leader Eben, Sau Wing 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 19:1-6 1. 跟從。看見帶領(v1-4) Follow and See God’s leading 2. 聽信。讓你起飛 (v5-6) Listen and obey so that you may fly high