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I believe! The Resurrection Power!

Verse: Mark 16 1. Behold! Jesus has risen! (v.1-14) A. In face of troubles, angels will help! (v.1-4) B. Beyond expectations, Jesus is alive! (v.5-9) C. Break through limitations, you shall see Jesus! (v.10-14) 2. Go! You have power and authority! (v.15-20) A. Preach the Gospel, signs shall follow (v.15-18) B. Offer up completely, co-labor with God (v.19-20)

We Will Sing the Song of the Rock

A. The Lord is the Rock  v.1-14 B. Man grew fat and smacked the Rock  v.15-28 C.The Wise takes refuge in the Rock  v.29-47

New Wineskin Marriage (2) Shekinah Ladder

Verse: Genesis 2 A. Take the right position focusing on God (Genesis 2:15-18,23) 1. Men take lead. Take on! (Genesis 2:15,17,23) 2. Women let go. Build up! (Genesis 3:16; Proverbs 14:1) B. Men confess, women give thanks 1. Husbands surrender. Elevate! (Ephesians 5:25-26) 2. Wives give thanks. Advance! (Psalms 50:23,100:4) C. Climb the shkkinah ladder in unity (Psalms 100:4; Matthew 23:12)

Raise up the Kingdom Disciples

Verse: Matthew 4:18-5:16 1. Call the disciples 4:18-25 a. A willing heart, immediate response b. Lay down everything, determine to follow 2. Teach disciples to receive the Heavenly Kingdom 5:1-12 3. Kingdom disciples are transforming the world 5:13-16 a. Salt on the earth b. Light of the World

Victory Upon Victory

Verse: Esther 8:8-9,9:1-4 1. Miraculously paved the way 2. Two counterattacks: overpowered the enemy (9:1-16)

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