回到最起初的愛 Back to the love you had at first
雅Song 2:13-16
雅Song 2:13-16
The Seventh Beatitude: PEACEMAKERS, become sons of God! 1. Become those who bring peace (Mat 5:9a, Col 1:20, Mat 4:23, Mat 10:5,13) 2. Blessed, and called sons of God (Mat 5:9b, 1 Chr 22:8-9, Rom 8:14, Mat 3:16-17, 4:1, 5:44-48, Isa 61:1-3, Gal 3:26-29) 天國第七福:PEACEMAKER ,成為神的兒子! 一、成為帶下和睦的人 (太5:9a,西1:20,太4:23,太10:5,13) 二、有福了,稱為神兒子 (太5:9b,代上22:8-9,羅8:14,太3:16-17,4:1,5:44-48, 賽61:1-3,加3:26-29)
血氣的緊抓 新酒的急流 Grasping by flesh, Rushing of new wine Verse: Genesis 28:20-22; 35:1-18 一、血氣緊抓須倒空 (創28:20-22,35:1-4) Empty all the fleshly grasp 二、築壇裝載神應許 (創35:5-13) Build altar to receive God’s promise 三、新酒湧流下一代 (創35:14-18) New wine flow to the next generation
ALL IN,定意尋求神 ALL IN, resolved to inquire of the Lord;Still & See,發出大讚美 Still & See, praise with a loud voice
Two Generation,One Way! (提前4:11-16) 一) Two Generation彼此需要(提前4:13-14) 二) One Way拯救世代(提前4:15-16)
讓Kindness走動 Kindness is Everywhere 經文:路加福音 Luke 10:25-37 一. 明白Kindness,愛神必愛人 v.25-29 Understand Kindness, love God and love man too 二. 行出Kindness,憐憫有行動 v.30-37 Live out kindness, show mercy in action
好朋友,真關係! Great friends, true relationships Verse: 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 19:1-7, 20:12-23 一. 真關係中有信任 撒上1Sa 18:1-4 There is trust in true relationships 二. 真關係中有真理 撒上1Sa 19:1-7 There is truth in true relationships 三. 真關係中對準神 撒上1Sa 20:12-23 Focus on God in true relationships