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Spiritual Life before Spiritual Gifts

Verse: Jonah 1:9-10, 3:4 ; 10, 4:1-3 1. Do not follow the way of Jonah a. Disobey God, but consider himself fears God Jonah 1:9-10 b. Envy man, but consider himself represents God Jonah 3:4, 10, 4:1 c. Judge God, but consider himself understands God Jonah 4:1-3 2. Follow Jesus’ Life-ministry a. Submit to God; obey Father’s will always Jonah 5:19, 14:31 b. Connect with God; reveal the Heavenly Father Jonah 1:18; Colossians 1:15 3. Thank God; believe the good will of the Heavenly Father John 11:25-27

True Relationship, Flourishing Ministry

Verse: John 15:1-8 1. A flourishing ministry is the Father’s will v.1-2 (Genesis 1:28,12:2;Hebrews 12:10-11) 2. True Relationship is Jesus’ command v.3-8 a. Disconnect results in fruitlessness v.3-6;Ephesians 5:26 b. Willing to connect brings prosperity v.7-8;Colossians 3:16 3. True relationship causes ministry to flourish

Good relationship between God and People

Verse: Leviticus 1-6 1. Burnt Offering: Dedicate wholly to God 1:1-9 a. Offer up everything v.3 b. Offer up wholeheartedly v.6 2. Grain Offering: Honor God with work and ministry 2:1-2,11,13 a. Oil, frankincense and salt are indispensable v.1-2,13 b. Little honey or yeast is forbidden v.11 3. Peace Offering: Be thankful and rejoice over the feast together 3:1; 6-8; 7:15-17 a. The portion is enough for sharing v.6 b. Offer openly for thanksgiving and vows v.8 4. Sin Offerings: Be accountable and God forgives 4:1-3,13-14,22-23,27-28 a. Bear the consequences according to one’s status b. Confess to God and God forgives 4:20,26,31,35; 1 John 1:9 5. Trespass offering: […]

Apostles Arise! The Kingdom of Heaven Expands

Verse: Matthew 9:35-10:15 1. The Heavenly King launched the Kingdom of Heaven 9:35-38 a. Follow Jesus with places v.35 b. Follow Jesus with compassion v.36 c. Follow Jesus with prayers v.37-38 2. Disciples were sent out to become apostles 10:1-10 a. Respond to the calling v.1-4 b. Take up mission fields v.5-6 c. Do what Jesus did v.7-8 d. The Lord will provide v.9-10 3. Homes and towns enjoyed great peace 10:11-15

Enter into God’s Wonderful Miracles

Verse: Genesis 18:1-33; 21:1-5 1. Expect the wonderful presence of God v.1-8 a.Believe that God may appear in any possible way v.1-2 b. Host God with a great passion v.3-8 2. Fellowship with God in faith v.9-33 a. Believe every word of God v.9-15 b. See ourselves in the eyes of God v.16-33 3. Wait for God’s work by faith Genesis 21:1-5 a. Wait for the fulfillment of God’s word v.1-2 b. Follow God’s word v.3-5

The Glorious Church Extends through Parent-child Relationship

【Bible Verse】Ephesians 6:1-4 A.Children obey and honor their patents in the Lord  v.1-3, Exo 20:12 a.Reasonable and right b.Greatly blessed B.Fathers nurture their children as the Lord does  v.4, Col3:21 a.Do not exasperate their children b.Be like Christ C.Behold, the glorious church is expanding!

Blow trumpet, make atonement, welcome tabernacle

Verse: Leviticus 23:23-32 A. Trumpet blasts, awake! (v.23-24) B. Offer up with no reservation! (v.25; Num 29:1-6; 7-11) 1. Complete burnt offering 2. Grain offering of gratitude 3. Sin offering of repentance C. Deny oneself and be sanctified! (v.26-32)

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