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第五課 核心價值長成人

領受 611 十一個核心價值,助你走在生命樹的道路上,活出喜樂蒙福,關係和諧的人生。

The fast that God accepts (1)

神所悅納的禁食(上) The fast that God accepts (1) Verse: Isaiah 58:1-4 一、真實的敬拜 (1-3a) True worship 二、更深的認罪 (3a-4) Deeper confession

Return to the presence of God

重回神同在 Return to the presence of God 張妙禪牧師 Pastor Anna 約書亞記 Joshua 8 一、神又說話了! (1-8) God spoke again 二、神領軍全勝(9-29) God led the army to have total victory 三、築壇齊立約(30-35) Build an altar and make a covenant together


為什麼神不出手?Why didn’t God do something?   一、我被賣被屈,為什麼神不出手?I was sold and falsely accused, why didn’t God do something? 創世記 Genesis 37:26-28   二、該賞反遭害,為什麼神不出手?I should be rewarded but suffered instead, why didn’t God do something? 以斯帖記 Esther 2:21-23   三、我為主受難,為什麼神不出手?I suffered for the Lord, why didn’t God do something?  使徒行傳 Acts 6:8, 10, 7:54-60

Identify the power of sin

認清罪的權勢 Identify the power of sin Verse: Genesis 4:1-16 一、不中神的(創4: 1-7) Missing God’s target 二、過猶不及(創4: 8-12) Too much or not enough 三、扭曲(創4:13-16) Twisted


末世中的跟隨神2-讓神的榮耀居住 Following God in the end times 2 — Let The Glory of God Dwell 經文:太Mat 21:12-17 大綱: 一、真正以神為主(12-14) 1. Truly recognize the Lord is God 二、彰顯神榮耀(15-16) Manifest God’s Glory 三、求神榮耀居住(17) Ask for God’s Glory to dwell

《Following God in the end times 2》Let The Glory of God Dwell

《末世中的跟隨神2》讓神的榮耀居住 《Following God in the end times 2》Let The Glory of God Dwell Verse: Matthew 21:12-17 一、親近神醫治人(12-14) Draw close to God, heal the sick 二、彰顯神榮耀 (15-16) Manifest God’s Glory 三、求神榮耀居住 (17) Ask for God’s Glory to dwell

Let The Glory of God Dwell

末世中的跟隨神2-讓神的榮耀居住 Following God in the end times 2 — Let The Glory of God Dwell 太21:12-17 一、親近神醫治人(12-14) Draw close to God, heal the sick 二、彰顯神榮耀(15-16) Manifest God’s Glory 三、求神榮耀居住(17) Ask for God’s Glory to dwell


自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

Humility and Faith, Turning defeat into Victory

自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and Faith, Turning defeat into Victory 經文:以斯帖記 Esther 4:10-17, 9:1-2 一、自卑謙卑 (v.4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心 (v.4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝 (v.9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

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