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Arise! Expand! No regrets!

起來!擴展!無悔! Arise! Expand! No regrets! 你想全家人一起服事神嗎?今週主日Susanna傳道一家三口為我們分享信息,願我們一同得著全家服事神的上好祝福! 講員:袁莉儀傳道 Pastor Susanna、伍兆瑜族長 MG Leader Larry、MG Leader Joanne 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 25 一、領受量身打造的 Being (14-18) Receive your tailor-made Being 二、發揮 Being,大大倍增 (19-23) Live out Being and expand greatly 三、害怕埋藏,全部失去 (24-30) Hide in fear and lose it all


得着超乎萬民的智慧 (創 41) Receive wisdom above the nations Joanne 族長 MG leader Joanne 一、領受屬天智慧,進入豐盛命定 Receive heavenly wisdom, enter into prosperous destiny 1. 放下包袱,重新出發 (創Gen 41:1, 14) Lay down our burden, start over again 2. 解難解惑,顯神榮耀 (創Gen 41:15-16) Resolve difficulties, reveal God’s glory 3. 展現智慧,開拓出路 (創Gen 41:17-45) Demonstrate wisdom, show a way out 二、活出超凡智慧,祝福列國萬邦 (創41:46-49)