You and I are fearfully and wonderfully made
你和我都是受造奇妙可畏 You and I are fearfully and wonderfully made 詩篇Psalm 139:13-18 1.要稱謝創造我的神 I Praise God for creating me(13-16) 2.要驚嘆神對人的極美心意 Be amazed by God’s precious thoughts to men(17-18)
你和我都是受造奇妙可畏 You and I are fearfully and wonderfully made 詩篇Psalm 139:13-18 1.要稱謝創造我的神 I Praise God for creating me(13-16) 2.要驚嘆神對人的極美心意 Be amazed by God’s precious thoughts to men(17-18)
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
1. 要知道:神住在我們中間
2. 要歡慶:因有一嬰孩為我們而生
3. 要感恩獻祭:世世代代紀念神拯救
1. 控制不了的舌頭:人生大失敗!
2. 有智慧的舌頭:人生大成功!
Tim Li
1 Corinthians 12:12-31, 13:1- 3
Bahasa Indonesia