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God’s servant, Ready! Go!

神的僕人,Ready!Go! God’s servant, Ready! Go! 經文 Scriptures: 賽 Isaiah 49:1-13 I. 神預備器皿 (v.1-4) The vessel prepared by God II. 復興的呼召 (v.5-7) The calling of revival III. 遍地復興的應許 (v.8-13) The promise of revival across the land

Love and Trust – Way of Resurrection

有愛有信任,復活之路 Love and Trust – Way of Resurrection 經文:約翰福音 John 11 I. 承認不明白神的愛 (約John 11:1-6) Confess of not knowing God’s love II. 信不足時,可以呼求 (約John 11:17-39) Cry out whenever faith is lacking III. 相信神是復活,是生命 (約John 11:25-26, 40-44) Believe that God is the Resurrection and the Life

Man! Find Your Being

男人!尋回你的Being Man! Find Your Being 經文:創世記 Genesis 3:1-21 1. 不懷疑神是好神 (v1-5) Do not doubt that God is good 2. 不要不認錯 (v6-13) Do not refuse to confess sins 3. 與神連結 (v14-21) Connect with God

Love and Trust – Way of Resurrection

有愛有信任,復活之路 Love and Trust – Way of Resurrection verse: John 11 I. 承認不明白神的愛 (約John 11:1-6) Confess of not knowing God’s love II. 信不足時,可以呼求 (約John 11:17-39) Cry out whenever faith is lacking III. 相信神是復活,是生命 (約John 11:25-26, 40-44) Believe that God is the Resurrection and the Life