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有管教 有界線

隔籬系列#1︰爸媽在隔籬👩🏻👨🏻 Always by your side series#1 Dad and Mom are by your side 信息講題:有管教 有界線 To be disciplined To set boundaries 箴言 Proverbs 19:18 22:15、23:13-14 來 Hebrew 12:11 歌羅西書 Colossians 3:20-21 以弗所書 Ephesians 6:1-4 1. 管教是必須的 (箴Prov 19:18 22:15、23:13-14;來Heb12:11) Discipline is necessary 2. 從神而來的界線 (西Col 3:20-21;弗Eph 6:1-4) Boundaries come from God


原來祂足夠愛我 He actually loves me enough 經文:番 Zeph 3:17 1、 大能拯救的勇士 A mighty warrior who saves 2、默默付出的暖男 A gentleman who gives quietly 3、高調放閃的情人 A high profile lover


有愛、有信、有榮耀! More love, more faith, more glory! 經文:約Jhn 11:1-6,17,21,39-40,43-44 大綱: 一. 神愛的人,雖有艱難患難⋯(v.1-6) Those God loves though encounter difficulties and hardships … 二. 愛神的人,雖有埋怨失望 ⋯(v.17,21) Those who love God though grumble with disappointment … 三. 信神的人,必看見神的榮耀 (v.39-40,43-44) Those who believe in God shall see God’s glory


你相信嗎系列#2:「自由」 Do you believe series#2 “Freedom” 真。自由 (約翰福音 John 8:3-12) True Freedom 1. 人的眼光失自由(v3-5) Freedom is lost when see with man’s eyes 2. 神的眼光得自由(v10-12) Freedom is gained when see with God’s eyes

More love, more faith, more glory!

有愛、有信、有榮耀! More love, more faith, more glory! 經文:約Jhn 11:1-6,17,21,39-40,43-44 大綱: 一. 神愛的人,雖有艱難患難⋯(v.1-6) Those God loves though encounter difficulties and hardships … 二. 愛神的人,雖有埋怨失望 ⋯(v.17,21) Those who love God though grumble with disappointment … 三. 信神的人,必看見神的榮耀 (v.39-40,43-44) Those who believe in God shall see God’s glory


永恆天地之約 經文:瑪4:1-6 1. 敬畏神的得蒙醫治 v.1-3 2. 攻克已心成為王子 v.4 3. 兩代同心作好父親 v.5-6


成功之道 Road to success 1. 美名恩寵 是成功 v1 Good name and favor is success 2. 自我價值 保成功 v2 Self-esteem keeps success 3. 智慧選擇 更成功 v3 Wise choices bring more success 4. 謙卑靠神 最成功 v4 Trust God humbly is the greatest success

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