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Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us

領受耶穌的雙重祝福 Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.10.17 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約 John 1:19-34   聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness   看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God   看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove

享受安息 得勝有餘

講員:Lyan牧師 經文:詩篇92:1-16   一、放下工作 觀看神作為 (92:1-4)   二、領受新油 耶穌全勝利 (92:5-11)   三、終生結果 常在神殿中 (92: 12-15)


等候耶和華的必然蒙福 Those who wait upon the Lord will be blessed   經文:詩Psalms 40:1-10   一、要等候、等候耶和華 Wait, wait for the Lord(v1-3)   二、要倚靠、倚靠耶和華 Trust, trust in the Lord(v4-8)   三、要不斷讃美耶和華 Keep on praising the Lord(v9-10)


基督降生在住棚 Christ was born in Feast of Tabernacles 經文:約 John 1:1,14, 18;7:37-39   一.道就是神,成了肉身,住棚我們中間 The Word was God; The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us 約1:1, 14上   二. 世人看見基督看見神 The world saw Christ and have seen God 約1:14中,18   三. 信心領受恩典和真理 By faith, receive grace and truth 約1:14下;7:37-39

Christ was born in Feast of Tabernacles

基督降生在住棚 Christ was born in Feast of Tabernacles   講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2020.10.03 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約翰福音 John 1:1, 14, 18; 7:37-39   一、道就是神,成了肉身,住棚我們中間 (約1:1, 14上) The Word was God; The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us   二、世人看見基督看見神 (約1:14中,18) The world saw Christ and have seen God   三、信心領受恩典和真理 (約1:14下;7:37-39) By faith, receive grace and truth


  至深呼喊,至大感恩! Deep Lament, Great Thanksgiving   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 經文:羅馬書 Romans 7:14-25   罪,非我所明 v.14-17 Sin, Not that I Understand   罪,非我所願 v.18-20 Sin, Not that I Want   罪,非我能拒 v.21-23 Sin, Not that I Can Resist   深深感謝神 v.24-25 Thanks be to God

Deep Lament, Great Thanksgiving

至深呼喊,至大感恩! Deep Lament, Great Thanksgiving   講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.09.19 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:羅馬書 Romans 7:14-25   罪,非我所明 v.14-17 Sin, Not that I Understand   罪,非我所願 v.18-20 Sin, Not that I Want   罪,非我能拒 v.21-23 Sin, Not that I Can Resist   深深感謝神 v.24-25 Thanks be to God

基督小兵: 我是天國 puzzle

兒童崇拜全新系列【奪寶奇兵 Treasure Hug】,第二講《我是天國 puzzle》! 原來每個人都有獨特的 being (特質),天父創造我們有人會畫畫、有人會打球、有人會彈琴, 我們不用覺得自己沒有其他人厲害,因為每個人都不一樣,每個人都很重要,是不可缺少的 puzzle!

國王小孩: 我是天國 puzzle

兒童崇拜全新系列【奪寶奇兵 Treasure Hug】,第二講《我是天國 puzzle》! 原來每個人都有獨特的 being (特質),天父創造我們有人會畫畫、有人會打球、有人會彈琴, 我們不用覺得自己沒有其他人厲害,因為每個人都不一樣,每個人都很重要,是不可缺少的 puzzle!

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