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努力進天國 Battling into the Kingdom of Heaven 講員:張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby, 何春卉傳道 Pastor Stella 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:1-23 1. 勝過外面的爭戰 (v.1-3a, 10-16) Overcome the outer battles 2. 勝過裏面的爭戰 (v.3b-9, 17-23) Overcome the inner battles


患難中互相扶持成為安慰人的器皿 It’s time to help: helping each other in hard times and become a vessel that comforts 經文:林多後書一章1-6節 1 Corinthians 1:1-6 一.        站對你的位置V1-2 Stand on the right position v1-2 二.        摸著父神的心V3 Understand the heart of Father V3 三.        得著安慰秘技V4-6 Obtain ways to comfort V4-6

Battling into the Kingdom of Heaven

努力進天國 Battling into the Kingdom of Heaven 講員:張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby, 何春卉 Pastor Stella 日期:2020.05.02 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:1-23 1. 勝過外面的爭戰 (v.1-3a, 10-16) Overcome the outer battles 2. 勝過裏面的爭戰 (v.3b-9, 17-23) Overcome the inner battles

It’s Time to Help

It’s time to help 患難中互相扶持成為安慰人的器皿 講員:許靜族長、許國之族長 MG leader Joey, MG leader Calvin 經文:林多後書一章 1-6節 2 Cor 1:1-6 一.        站對你的位置V1-2 Stand at the right position 二.        摸著父神的心V3  Feel the Father’s heart 三.        得著安慰秘技V4-6 The secret to receiving comfort


夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours

Time to see

Time to see 李浩然 Co-worker Tim 1. Time to open: 完全敞開,相信不放手 (詩13:1-2, 5-6; 88:13, 18) 2. Time to see: 困苦中看見神的心 (羅5:3-5) 人生育成四步曲 第一: 生忍耐 第二: 生老練 第三: 生盼望 第四: 更深領受神的愛

Enough! Stop collecting debts!

夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours

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