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有神同在 逆境無懼

有神同在 逆境無懼 With God, be fearless in adversity 黃偉強族長 MG leader Wai Keung 1. 有神同在 凡事盡都順利 With God, succeed in everything 2. 有神同在 跨越人生低谷 With God, overcome life’s valleys 3. 有神同在 成就更美祝福 With God, become a greater blessing


良善忠心天國人 Good and Faithful Kingdom People 講員:段樹仁族長 MG Leader Jason Tuan 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:太25:14-30 一、要領受託付全力以赴v.14-18 Receive assignment and do your best 1. 人人領受主託 付v.14-15 Everyone receives assignment 2. 各人回應大不同 v.16-18 Everyone responds differently 二、要預備面對交賬的日子v.19-30 Prepare for the day of settlement 1. 忠僕得賞賜 v.19-23 Faithful servants are rewarded 2. 惡僕全部失 v.24-30 Wicked servants lose it all


講題:神揀你啦! God has chosen you! 經文:撒上1 Sam 16:6-7 一. 不憑外貌(撒上 1 Sam 16:6-7a) Not by appearance 二. 注重內在(撒上1 Sam 16:7b) Value what’s inside

Good and Faithful Kingdom People

良善忠心天國人 Good and Faithful Kingdom People 講員:段樹仁族長 MG Leader Jason Tuan 語系:英(English)、普(Mandarin) 經文:太Mat 25:14-30 一、要領受託付全力以赴v.14-18 Receive assignment and do your best 1. 人人領受主託 付v.14-15 Everyone receives assignment 2. 各人回應大不同 v.16-18 Everyone responds differently 二、要預備面對交賬的日子v.19-28 Prepare for the day of settlement 1. 忠僕得賞賜 v.19-23 Faithful servants are rewarded 2. 惡僕全部失 v.24-28 Wicked servants lose it all 三、要活出天國的法則 v.29-30 Live out Kingdom principles


非凡時刻、非凡神蹟 Extraordinary times,extraordinary miracles 溫志雅族長 MG leader Alex Wan 1. 非凡時刻 (哈Hab 3: 16-17) Extraordinary times a. 聽得到、看得見 Heard and seen b. Good Time, God Time 好的時刻,神的時刻 2. 非凡神蹟(哈Hab3: 18-19) Extraordinary miracles a. 神是喜樂「真」泉源 God is the “real” source of joy b. 穩行在高處 Tread on the heights


自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

Purim Celebration Service

自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

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