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Let The Glory of God Dwell

末世中的跟隨神2-讓神的榮耀居住 Following God in the end times 2 — Let The Glory of God Dwell 太21:12-17 一、親近神醫治人(12-14) Draw close to God, heal the sick 二、彰顯神榮耀(15-16) Manifest God’s Glory 三、求神榮耀居住(17) Ask for God’s Glory to dwell


我想你知 … I want you to know… 路加福音 15:25-32 一、關係隔離,很辛苦 (v25-32) Alienated in relationship is awful 1. 沒有靠近,似雇工 (v26) Not getting close just like a servant 2. 沒有表達,好壓抑 (v28) Not expressing just very suppressive 二、要相信,愛是出路 Believe love is the way out 1. 孩子,真感覺要說出口(v29-30) Children speak out your true feelings 2. 父母,動慈心開口勸勉 (v31-32) Parents guide them compassionately


天國門徒最珍貴 Kingdom disciples are most valuable 經文:太13:44-52 一、主愛門徒如珍如寶 The Lord treasures His disciples (v44-46) 二、專心預備主再來(v47-50) Wholeheartedly prepare for the coming of the Lord 三、成為明白真道的天國門徒(v51-52) Become Kingdom disciples who understand the truth

Disciples are most valuable in the Kingdom of Heavens

天國中門徒最珍貴 Disciples are most valuable in the Kingdom of Heavens 經文:太13:44-52 一、主愛門徒如珍如寶 The Lord treasures His disciples (v44-46) 二、專心預備主再來(v47-50) Wholeheartedly prepare for the coming of the Lord 三、成為明白真道的天國門徒(v51-52) Become Kingdom disciples who understand the truth


我感謝你 I want to thank you


末世中的跟隨神 Following God in the end time (太20:29-34;可10:46,52;路18:43) 1.看見自己看見神 See myself and see God 2.選擇窄門走小路 Choose the narrow gate and narrow path 3.顯明天國大能力 Reveal the mighty power of the Kingdom


青牧家庭事務所 第一講:生命園藝師🌿🌿 信息講題:我家也有生命樹 There is tree of life at my home too 1. 揮出柔和的寶劍 v1-2 Wield the sword of tenderness 2. 天父住在我家中 v3 Father lives in my home 3. 粉碎家中的歪理 v4 Scatter distorted truth in family 問題與討論 Discussion question 1. 請分享平時你與父母溝通互動的日常及溝通中最困難的部分 Please share what are the hardest areas in  your day to day communication with your parents. 2. 你認識你的父母嗎? 請介紹你眼中的父母(例如:個性、優點、專長、、),並說出欣賞父母的地方 Do you know your parents? Please share about how they are in your perspective (e.g. personally, strengths, good at, etc.) Share what you like about them 3. 請組長祝福組員回答柔和並有溫良的舌 Cell leader please bless the members to have a good and gentle […]

Following God in the end time

末世中的跟隨神 Following God in the end time (太20:29-34;可10:46,52;路18:43) 1.看見自己看見神 See myself and see God 2.選擇窄門走小路 Choose the narrow gate and narrow path 3.顯明天國大能力 Reveal the mighty power of the Kingdom

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