Receive the Rejoicing Spirit that Creates us
1. Moving on the Face of the Deep Water
2. Blowing over the Flood in Noah’s Day
3. Anointing the Servant who Renews All Things
1. Moving on the Face of the Deep Water
2. Blowing over the Flood in Noah’s Day
3. Anointing the Servant who Renews All Things
擁抱神創造,活出真正好 Embrace God’s creation, live a genuine, just and good life 段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason Tuan 創Genesis 1:1-31 一、神超越一切的創造 v1 God transcends all creation 二、神的創造全然美好 v.2-25 God’s creation is totally beautiful 三、你我是神最美好的創造 v.26-31 You and I are God’s most beautiful creation
神很嚴厲嗎?不是!而是出於愛!讓我們一起聽聽 Eben叔叔和潘諾哥哥的分享,一起領受神的愛