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It’s time to stand firm

It’s time to stand firm 周亦駿族長 MG leader Joash 1. 站在對的位置 Stand in the right spot (但 Dan 1:8-9) 2. 堅持對的行動 Hold on to the right actions (但 Dan 2:11-12,17-18, 6:7,9-10,23) 3. 聆聽對的聲音 Listen to the right voice (但 Dan 1:21,2:19,7:1,9:1,10:1)


天國爆發力 The explosive power of the Kingdom of heaven 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.05.17 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:31-33 一、身量倍增生命力 v.31-32 Stamina to multiply capacity 1. 量與質的大增長 Great increase in quantity and quality 2. 吸引與承托萬民 Attract and support all people 二、轉化群體感染力 v.33 Influence to transform multitudes

The explosive power of the Kingdom of heaven

天國爆發力 The explosive power of the Kingdom of heaven 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.05.16 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:31-33 一、身量倍增生命力 v.31-32 Stamina to multiply capacity 1. 量與質的大增長 Great increase in quantity and quality 2. 吸引與承托萬民 Attract and support all people 二、轉化群體感染力 v.33 Influence to transform multitudes


題目:Time to trust 患難中信靠神 Trust God during difficult times 經文:但以理書 Dan 3:8-30 講員:孫明真傳道 Pastor Esther 一) 目光專注仰望神 (V.8-12) Fix your eyes on God 二) 持續識神長信心 (V.13-18) Keep knowing God increase in faith 三) 神蹟同在被提升 (v.19-30) Miracles, God’s presence and promoted

Time to Trust

題目:Time to trust 患難中信靠神 Trust God during difficult times 經文:但以理書 Dan 3:8-30 講員:孫明真傳道 Pastor Esther 一) 目光專注仰望神 (V.8-12) Fix your eyes on God 二) 持續識神長信心 (V.13-18) Keep knowing God increase in faith 三) 神蹟同在被提升 (v.19-30) Miracles, God’s presence and promoted


神用三大神蹟看顧我們 God visits us with three miracles 詩篇 Psalms 65 一、賜下罪得遮蓋的神蹟 v.1-4 Released the miracle of the covering of sins 二、賜下災難中有平安的神蹟 v.5-8 Released the miracle of peace amidst disaster 三、賜下生命之福的神蹟 v.9-13 Released the miracle of the blessing of life

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