We are the Joshua generation! 我們是約書亞的世代 講員:張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby 日期:2020.10.25 語系:粵(Cantonese)、普(Mandarin) 經文:約書亞記 Joshua 1 Arise, cross over (v.1-5) 起來,跨越! Be strong and courageous (v.6-9) 剛強壯膽! Lead by faith (10-18) 信心帶領!
We are the Joshua generation! 我們是約書亞的世代 講員:張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby 日期:2020.10.24 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約書亞記 Joshua 1 Arise, cross over (v.1-5) 起來,跨越! Be strong and courageous (v.6-9) 剛強壯膽! Lead by faith (10-18) 信心帶領!
講題:領受住棚耶穌的雙重祝福 講員:康偉強同工 經文:約1:19-34 1.聽呀!曠野約翰的呼聲 v.19-28 2.看呀!神的羔羊除罪孽 v.29-31 3.看呀!聖靈如鴿子臨在 v.32-34
講題:友情 DNA 一. 有神有愛(林前13:4-7) 二. 有付出有忠誠(箴3:27,29)
神大軍!你現在到底在幹嘛? God’s great army! What are you doing? 一. 事奉神必被記念 Those who serve the Lord will be remembered (民Num 33:1–4a、38–39) 二. 偶像一定要除滅 Those who worship idols will be destroyed (民Num 33:4b、50–52) 三. 順逆境只是過程 The ups and downs are just a process (民Num 33:9、14)
領受耶穌的雙重祝福 (約1:19-34) Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us 講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.10.18 語系:粵(Cantonese)、普(Mandarin) 經文:約 John 1:19-34 聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness 看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God 看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove
領受耶穌的雙重祝福 Receive the Double Blessings of Jesus Among Us 講員:何傑牧師 Pastor Ho Kit 日期:2020.10.17 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約 John 1:19-34 聽,曠野的呼聲 v. 19-28 Listen, The Voice of Wilderness 看,神的羔羊 v. 29-31 Behold, The Lamb of God 看,聖靈如鴿子 v. 32-34 Behold, The Spirit Like a Dove