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For thine is the kingdom, and the power,and the glory, for ever.

verse: Matthew 6:9-13 A. 3 Doxologies: The Destination of the Lord’s Prayer 1. From Earth to Heaven: Children on the Earth comes to the Bosom of the Father 2. Heavenly Mysteries: The Name, Kingdom and Will of the Father 3. From Heaven to Earth: the Father Cares for our Physical, Social and Spiritual Needs 4. On Earth as in Heaven: The Total Manifestation of the Father’s Kingdom, Power and Glory B. 3 Doxologies: Reasons Why our Prayers are Answered 1. The Son’s Business is the Father’s Business 2. The Eternal Kingdom Penetrates our Time and Space 3. The Heavenly Power Renews All Things 4. The Son’s Glory is the […]

The Son’s Three Petitions

verse: Matthew 6:9b-10 一. 兒子三求 v.11-13a The son’s three petitions 1.求賜餅 v.11; 6:31-34 Ask for bread 2.求赦免 v.12 Ask for forgiveness a. 先後 太Matt 6:14-15; 詩Psa 18:25-26 Priority b. 彼此 弗Eph 4:32 One another 3.求免試探 v.13a; 箴Pro 30:8-9 Ask for no temptation 二.兒子一心 The son’s one heart 1.與父的關係 Relationship with the Father 2.體貼父的心 Considerate of the Father’s heart 3.靠恩典祈求 Ask by Grace

Mind the Father’s Business

verse: Matthew 6:9b-10 一.尊崇父的名 Hallowed be the Name of the Father ( v.9b; 出Exo 34:5-7 ) 1.認識神屬性 出Exo 3:13-14 Know God’s Nature 2.活出神樣式 出Exo 34:5-7; 太Matt 5:16 Live out the likeness of God 二.帶下神的國 Bring down the Kingdom of God ( 太Matt 6:10a,12:28 ; 路Luk 17:20-21, 11:13,20 ) 1.神國在人心 路Luk 17:20-21 The Kingdom of God is within man’s heart 2.靠聖靈趕鬼 太Matt 12:28; 路Luk 11:13,20 Cast out demons by the Holy Spirit 三.順服父旨意 Obey the Will of the Father ( v.6:10b; 帖前1Ts 4:3, 5:18; 羅Rom 8:26-27 ) 1.愛父好榜樣 約Jhn 14:31 A good example of how to love the Father 2.靠聖靈禱告 羅Rom 8:26-27 […]

Our Father in Heaven

verse: Matthew 6:9b 一、慈愛的父 Merciful Father 1.神是父 God is the Father 2.救恩的應許 Promise of Salvation 3.親密的關係 Intimate Relationship 二、天上的父 Heavenly Father 1.大有權柄的神 God Almighty 2.以色列的神 God of Israel 3.不同地上的父 Different from earthly fathers 三、我們的父 Our Father 1.與神獨有的關係 Unique relationship with God 2.恩典的幫助 Help of grace