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Life overflowing

《New Wine Overflowing 2024》
Pastor Deborah Tung
Psalm 1:1-6

Only by emptying, can a hundredfold blessing overflows

倒空一切必能湧流百倍 Only by emptying, can a hundredfold blessing overflows 可Mak 10:17-30 一. 求永生別失望而回 v. 17-22 Seek eternal life and don’t go away sorrowful 二. 神出手那有不可能 v. 23-30 With God, nothing is impossible

New wine is flowing, let us be more longing

新酒已經湧流,我們成為渴慕的人 New wine is flowing, let us be more longing (太Mat 4:12-25,可Mak 1:14-15) 一、時候滿足,救主已來到 The time is full, the Savior has come (太Mat 4:12-17,可Mak 1:14-15) 二、渴慕跟從,成為主門徒 Long to follow and become a disciple of the Lord (太Mat 4:18-25)

Life ascends to become new wine

生命昇華成新酒 Life ascends to become new wine Verse: John 20:1-18 1. 不離不棄的渴慕跟隨 (v.1-11a) Steadfast longing and following 2。倒空人意裝載神心意(約20:11b-17,路24:5) Empty one’s own will to be filled with God‘s will 3。讓生命新酒湧流全地 (約20:18,路24:6-10) Let the new wine of life overflow to the whole earth   新酒四部曲 第六講:抹大拉馬利亞的倒空與湧流

Grasping by flesh, Rushing of new wine

血氣的緊抓 新酒的急流 Grasping by flesh, Rushing of new wine Verse: Genesis 28:20-22; 35:1-18 一、血氣緊抓須倒空 (創28:20-22,35:1-4) Empty all the fleshly grasp 二、築壇裝載神應許 (創35:5-13) Build altar to receive God’s promise 三、新酒湧流下一代 (創35:14-18) New wine flow to the next generation

River Jordan Overflows to Become New Wine

河水湧流成新酒 River Jordan Overflows to Become New Wine Verse: 2 Kings 5:1-19 一. 渴慕:以色列有先知 (v.1-8) Desire: There is Prophet in Israel 二. 倒空:先知若吩咐你 (v. 9-14) Empty: What if the Prophet Tells you 三. 湧流:只獻祭給耶和華 (v.15-19) Overflow: Only Make Sacrifice to Yahweh

New wine in desperation

新酒四部曲:「渴慕、倒空、裝載、湧流」 系列第三講,亞拿的生命 絕望中的新酒 New wine in desperation 講員:張妙禪牧師 Pastor Anna Chang 日期:2021.10.23 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:路加福音 Luke 2:36-40 一、以渴慕走過黑暗 (v.36a) Walk through darkness by longing 二、倒空苦情裝載神 (v36b-37) Empty out grief and be filled with God 三、讓生命信息湧流 (v.38-40) Let the life message overflow ———- ☆第一次收看611的崇拜嗎? 歡迎你留下資料,讓我們可以聯絡你,為你禱告! 與我們連結 CONNECT WITH US

Filled with new wine, overflow throughout the earth

裝載新酒 湧流全地 Filled with new wine, overflow throughout the earth 新酒四部曲「渴慕、倒空、裝載、湧流」,第二講絕對不能錯過! Verse:  Acts 26:1-23 一、錯誤渴慕,必須倒空 v.1-15 Must empty wrong desire 二、裝載基督,成為神僕 v.16-18 Filled with Christ, become God’s servant 三、不畏生死,不斷湧流 v.19-23 Fearless of death, keep overflowing

Serve with fire, arise and shine

火熱事奉興起發光 Serve with fire, arise and shine Verse: 2 Kings 2 1. 火熱的渴慕 Longing fervently 2. 火熱的倒空 Emptying fervently 3. 火熱的裝載 Filling up fervently 4. 火熱的事奉 Serving fervently

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